
Version 3.3.0

Nevanlinna version 3.3.0 is a compatibility release for TRIQS version 3.3.0

We thank all contributors: Thomas Hahn, Alexander Hampel, Sergei Iskakov, Henri Menke, Nils Wentzell

Find below an itemized list of changes in this release.


  • Update install.rst instruction for deb package installation

  • fix: add compatibility for older Eigen and Boost

  • fix: require Eigen 3.4


  • Disable intel build due to boost version issue

  • Specify MPFR_ROOT for jenkins osx builds


  • Undo renaming of cmake config files being installed

  • Rename cmake config files being installed

  • Raise boost requirement to 1.73

Version 3.2.0

This is the initial release of Nevanlinna, an analytic continuation package. It is compatible against TRIQS Version 3.2.

We thank all contributors: Alexander Hampel, Dylan Simon, Nils Wentzell, Sergei Iskakov