.. _slater: Multiorbital impurity model =========================== We present another more complex example here. This time, we solve the five-band impurity with a fully-rotationally invariant interaction: .. math:: \mathcal{H}_\mathrm{int} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ijkl,\sigma \sigma'} U_{ijkl} a_{i \sigma}^\dagger a_{j \sigma'}^\dagger a_{l \sigma'} a_{k \sigma}. Here is the python :download:`script `: .. literalinclude:: slater_five_band.py This script generates an HDF5 archive file called :file:`slater_five_band.h5`. This file contains the Green's function in imaginary time and in imaginary frequencies found by the solver. Let us plot the Green's function: .. plot:: guide/slater_five_band_plot.py :scale: 70 We have rebinned the data to 1000 points to reduce the noise. The calculation takes about an hour and data was accumulated on 32 cores.