Implementation notes

A guide to reading the code.

CTSEG is an application based on the app4triqs skeleton. The code is written in C++, and a python wrapper is generated automatically using cpp2py. The user interacts with the solver in python.

Solver core

The solver is an instance of the solver_core class. It is constructed based on parameters (constr_params) passed as a python dictionary (see params.hpp). It contains the set of inputs (inputs.hpp), the set of results (results.hpp) and the solve method. The latter runs the QMC calculation for a given set of inputs, and given the additional solve_params (see params.hpp).

The solve method works with three structures: params_t p (the set of all parameters), configuration_t config (the Monte Carlo configuration, see below) and work_data_t wdata, that contains all the data and auxiliary methods that are used by the Monte Carlo moves and measurements. It further defines an instance of the mc_generic class (a component of TRIQS) that takes care of implementing the Metropolis algorithm. The mc_generic CTQMC object is supplied with “moves” and “measures”: classes that satisfy a particular concept. Its warmup_and_accumulate method then takes care of choosing moves at random, accepting or rejecting them according to the Metropolis criterion, and sampling the observables every few moves. When the specified number of Monte Carlo cycles has been completed, collect_results averages the results across nodes and makes them accessible to the user through the results structure.


The inputs are the numerical data required for defining the impurity problem. They are stored in the inputs structure, but they can be accessed directly thanks to dedicated methods of the solver_core class.

  • Delta_tau is the hybridization function. It should be supplied as a TRIQS BlockGf. The choice of the block structure is usually not unique, but using as many blocks as possible ensures the fastest determinant updates.

  • D0_tau is the dynamical part of the density-density interaction. Note that the static part is supplied in the solve_params as part of the interaction Hamiltonian. It should be supplied as a TRIQS Block2Gf (since it is no necessarily block-diagonal like Delta_tau).

  • Jperp_tau is the perpendicular spin-spin interaction. It should be supplied as a \(1 \times 1\) matrix-valued GfImTime.


The basic units of a configuration (see configuration.hpp) are segments and \(J_{\perp}\) lines. A segment is a structure containing the time corresponding to a \(c\) operator, the time corresponding to a \(c^{\dagger}\) operator, and a boolean for each operator indicating whether it is attached to a \(J_{\perp}\) line.


By convention, we orient the imaginary time axis from \(\beta\) on the left to 0 on the right.

A segment may be cyclic if \(\tau_c < \tau_{c^{\dagger}}\). A line that is occupied at all times (a zeroth order term in the hybridization expansion) is represented by a segment with \(\tau_{c^{\dagger}} = 0\) and \(\tau_c = \beta\).

A \(J_{\perp}\) line is a structure containing the time corresponding to an \(S^+\) operator and the time corresponding to an \(S^-\) operator. No orbital indices are stored because the \(J_{\perp}\) expansion is only implemented for a single orbital.

The structure of the configuration is inherited from the structure of the hybridization function. The hybridization function is matrix-valued, and its line (or column) indices are termed colors. The configuration consists of a list (std::vector) of lists of segments (one per color), and a list of \(J_{\perp}\) lines. The block structure of the hybridization function is irrelevant for the configuration (it is only used for the determinants, see below).


The segment lists are sorted so that the \(c\) operators are in decreasing time order. There is no imposed ordering for the list of \(J_{\perp}\) lines. When a \(J_{\perp}\) expansion is carried out, it is assumed that color 0 is spin up and color 1 is spin down.

Imaginary time points

Imaginary time points are represented as 64 bit integers, via the custom type tau_t (see tau_t.hpp). This discretization on a very fine grid allows for exact comparisons, which are notoriously dangerous with floating point numbers. The Monte Carlo moves explicitly forbid degenerate segments with the \(c\) and \(c^{\dagger}\) operators at equal times, as well as coinciding operators for segments of the same color. The tau_t type also implements \(\beta\)-periodicity for the addition of imaginary times.

Work data

The work_data structure (see work_data.hpp) contains data and methods that are used by the Monte Carlo moves and measurements. Most importantly, its construction involves computing the dynamical interaction kernel \(K(\tau)\), and initializing the determinant for every block of the hybridization matrix \([\Delta]\). work_data.hpp also contains auxiliary functions for the Monte Carlo moves: in particular, trace_sign, that computes the sign of the trace from the times of the hybridized operators stored in the dets object.


The hybridization matrix \([\Delta]\) is stored in work_data as a list (std::vector) of its blocks. Each block is a det_manip object. The det_manip class is a part of TRIQS, which implements a fast computation of the change to \(\mathrm{det}[\Delta]\) upon insertion or removal of a line and column in \([\Delta]\). The det_manip object is constructed from the input hybridization function via an “adaptor” that specifies how it is to be called (see dets.hpp). The alias det_t is used for the type of \([\Delta]\).


Within a given block, the lines and columns of the hybridization matrix \([\Delta]\) are arranged in increasing order of the corresponding times, regardless of color.


  • util.hpp contains utility functions used by the Monte Carlo moves and measurements.

  • logs.hpp contains the preprocessor directives that set the logging level at compile time, and macros that facilitate logging (we use the spdlog library).

  • invariants.hpp contains functions that check invariants of the algorithm at every move if the code is compiled in debug mode. Checks include the time-ordering of the segments and of the lines and columns of \([\Delta]\), the consistency between the times stored in the configuration and in \([\Delta]\), and the consistency between the \(J_{\perp}\) lines and the labels stored in the segments.