
#include <triqs_ctseg.hpp>

class params_t

A struct combining both constr_params_t and solve_params_t

Public members

beta double Inverse temperature
gf_struct triqs_ctseg::gf_struct_t Structure of the GF (names, sizes of blocks)
n_tau int Number of time slices for \(Delta(\tau)\)/\(G(\tau)\)/\(F(\tau)\)
n_tau_k int Number of time slices for \(K(\tau)\)
n_tau_jperp int Number of time slices for \(J_\perp(\tau)\)
n_tau_nn int Number of Legendre coefficients for G(l)
n_tau_nn | int | Number of Legendre coefficients for G(l) |
\(\mathcal{D}_0(i\omega)\), \(J_\perp(i\omega)\) |
\(\Sigma\) |
n_legendre_g int  
h_int triqs_ctseg::Op local Hamiltonian
n_cycles int Number of QMC cycles
length_cycle int Length of a single QMC cycle
n_warmup_cycles int Number of cycles for thermalization
random_seed int Seed for random number generator
random_name std::string Name of random number generator
max_time int Maximum runtime in seconds, use -1 to set infinite
verbosity int Verbosity level
move_insert_segment bool Whether to perform the move insert segment (see [[move_insert_segment]])
move_remove_segment bool Whether to perform the move remove segment (see [[move_remove_segment]])
move_move bool Whether to perform the move move segment (see [[move_move]])
move_move | bool | Whether to perform the move move segment (see [[move_move]]) |
[[move_swap_empty_lines]]) |
[[move_group_into_spin_segment]]) |
[[move_split_spin_segment]]) |
[[move_group_into_spin_segment2]]) |
[[move_split_spin_segment2]]) |
keep_Jperp_negative bool Whether to keep Jperp negative
measure_gt bool Whether to measure G(tau) (see [[measure_gt]])
measure_sign bool Whether to measure MC sign (see [[measure_sign]])
measure_sign | bool | Whether to measure MC sign (see [[measure_sign]]) |
isotropic spin-spin interactions if any) |
measure_gl bool Whether to measure G(l) (Legendre) (see [[measure_gl]])
measure_gl | bool | Whether to measure G(l) (Legendre) (see [[measure_gl]]) |
(only isotropic spin-spin interactions if any) |
measure_gw bool Whether to measure G(iomega) (see [[measure_gw]])
use_nfft_for_gw bool Whether to use NFFT in the measurement of gw
use_nfft_for_gw | bool | Whether to use NFFT in the measurement of gw |
isotropic spin-spin interactions if any) |
[[measure_g2w]]) |
use_nfft_for_Mw bool Whether to use NFFT for the precomputation of Mw
measure_f2w bool Whether to measure two-frequency improved estimator (see [[measure_g2w]])
measure_f2w | bool | Whether to measure two-frequency improved estimator (see [[measure_g2w]]) |
[[measure_g3w]]) |
[[measure_g3w]]) |
measure_chipmt bool Whether to measure chi_{+-}(tau) (see [[measure_chipmt]])
measure_nn bool Whether to measure <nn> (see [[measure_nn]])
measure_nnt bool Whether to measure langle n(tau)n(0)rangle (see [[measure_nnt]])
measure_nnw bool Whether to measure chi(iomega) (see [[measure_nnw]])
evaluate_vertex bool Whether to evaluate vertex functions (see [[evaluate_3w_vertex]])
measure_hist bool Whether to measure the perturbation order histogram (see [[measure_hist]])
measure_hist | bool | Whether to measure the perturbation order histogram (see [[measure_hist]]) |
[[measure_hist_composite]]) |
[[measure_statehist]]) |
n_w_f_vertex int Number of fermionic Matsubara frequencies for vertex functions
n_w_b_vertex int Number of bosonic Matsubara frequencies for vertex functions
fname_gammaw std::string File name for 4-leg vertex gammaw
fname_gammaw | std::string | File name for 4-leg vertex gammaw |
Warning: parameter nfft_threshold will not be used because the code has been compiled without NFFT support |
hartree_shift std::vector<double> Hartree shift of the chem pot

Member functions
