
#include <triqs_ctseg/t_ordered_colored_c_ops.hpp>


  1. t_ordered_colored_c_ops::colored_const_iterator insert (qmc_time_t const & tau,
    int color,
    bool dagger,
    t_ordered_colored_c_ops::colored_const_iterator const & hint)
  2. t_ordered_colored_c_ops::colored_const_iterator insert (qmc_time_t const & t,
    int color,
    bool dagger)


1) insert operator
arg tau imaginary time arg color line arg dagger: operator type (creation/annihilation) arg hint: hint of position in map (as for std::map) return colored_const_iterator to op exception : insert_error if the time tau is already occupied.
2) insert operator
arg tau imaginary time arg color line arg dagger: operator type (creation/annihilation) return colored_const_iterator to op exception : insert_error if the time tau is already occupied.