Solver Accessors (Python)

Instances of the class Solver have a number of accessors, some of which are used as inputs to the calculation, some of which are used to retrieve the outputs of the calculation.

Input accessors

The input accessors are the following:

Member Description Type
G0 Bare Green’s function BlockGfImFreq
K_tau Retarded interaction kernel GfImTime
Kprime_tau Derivative of retarded interaction kernel GfImTime

For calculations with static interactions, only G0 is needed.

Output accessors

The output accessors are the following (they are read-only):

Member Description Type
nn_tau Density-density correlation function in imaginary time GfImTime
nn_omega Density-density correlation function on Matsubara frequencies GfImFreq
G_tau Imaginary-time Green’s function BlockGfImTime
F_tau Improved estimator in imaginary time BlockGfImTime
G_legendre Imaginary-time Green’s function BlockGfLegendre
F_legendre Improved estimator in imaginary time BlockGfLegendre
G_omega Matsubara Green’s function BlockGfImFreq
F_omega Improved estimator on Matsubara frequencies BlockGfImFreq
Sigma_omega Self-energy on Matsubara frequencies BlockGfImFreq
nn Density-density static correlations numpy.array
hist Histogram of perturbation order numpy.array
state_hist Histogram of perturbation order resolved by state numpy.array

The data contained by the output accessors is meaningful only if the corresponding measurement (see options) has been turned on. Here is a list of the measures and the corresponding outputs:

Measure name Measured observable Byproduct
measure_gt G_tau, F_tau  
measure_gl G_legendre, F_legendre  
measure_gw G_omega, F_omega Sigma_omega
measure_nn nn  
measure_nnt nn_tau  
measure_nnw nn_omega  
measure_hist hist  
measure_statehist state_hist  

Hence, if you e.g. switch on measure_gw, you should not attempt to access G_tau : the corresponding container will be empty.