
#include <triqs_ctseg.hpp>

class measure_statehist

Measure the state histogram

Measures the time the impurity spends in a certain atomic state:

an atomic state is characterized by occupation number for each color, e.g. \(|n_1 n_2 n_3 n_4\rangle = |0 1 1 0\rangle\) for a model with 4 colors

  • the index of a state in the histogram is given by \(\sum_i n_i 2^i\)
  • the length of the histogram is 2^n_colors

Public members

config const triqs_ctseg::configuration *  
params const triqs_ctseg::qmc_parameters *  
H vector<double> *  
N int  
N_tot int  
beta const double  

Member functions
