Wannier90 Converter

Using this converter it is possible to convert the output of wannier90 Maximally Localized Wannier Functions (MLWF) and create a HDF5 archive suitable for one-shot DMFT calculations with the SumkDFT class.

The user must supply two files in order to run the Wannier90 Converter:

  1. The file seedname_hr.dat, which contains the DFT Hamiltonian in the MLWF basis calculated through wannier90 with hr_plot = true (please refer to the wannier90 documentation).
  2. A file named seedname.inp, which contains the required information about the \(\mathbf{k}\)-point mesh, the electron density, the correlated shell structure, … (see below).

Here and in the following, the keyword seedname should always be intended as a placeholder for the actual prefix chosen by the user when creating the input for wannier90. Once these two files are available, one can use the converter as follows:

from triqs_dft_tools.converters import Wannier90Converter
Converter = Wannier90Converter(seedname='seedname')

The converter input seedname.inp is a simple text file with the following format (do not use the text/comments in your input file):

 0  6 4 6               # specification of the k-mesh
8.0                     # electron density
 4                      # number of atoms
 0  0  2  3  0  0       # atom, sort, l, dim, SO, irep
 1  0  2  3  0  0       # atom, sort, l, dim, SO, irep
 2  0  2  3  0  0       # atom, sort, l, dim, SO, irep
 3  0  2  3  0  0       # atom, sort, l, dim, SO, irep

The example shows the input for the perovskite crystal of LaVO3 in the room-temperature Pnma symmetry. The unit cell contains four symmetry-equivalent correlated sites (the V atoms) and the total number of electrons per unit cell is 8 (see second line). The first line specifies how to generate the \(\mathbf{k}\)-point mesh that will be used to obtain \(H(\mathbf{k})\) by Fourier transforming \(H(\mathbf{R})\). Currently implemented options are:

  • \(\Gamma\)-centered uniform grid with dimensions \(n_{k_x} \times n_{k_y} \times n_{k_z}\); specify 0 followed by the three grid dimensions, like in the example above
  • \(\Gamma\)-centered uniform grid with dimensions automatically determined by the converter (from the number of \(\mathbf{R}\) vectors found in seedname_hr.dat); just specify -1

Inside seedname.inp, it is crucial to correctly specify the correlated shell structure, which depends on the contents of the wannier90 output seedname_hr.dat and on the order of the MLWFs contained in it. In this example we have four lines for the four V atoms. The MLWFs were constructed for the t2g subspace, and thus we set l to 2 and dim to 3 for all V atoms. Further the spin-orbit coupling (SO) is set to 0 and irep to 0. As in this example all 4 V atoms are equivalent we set sort to 0. We note that, e.g., for a magnetic DMFT calculation the correlated atoms can be made inequivalent at this point by using different values for sort.

The number of MLWFs must be equal to, or greater than the total number of correlated orbitals (i.e., the sum of all dim in seedname.inp). If the converter finds fewer MLWFs inside seedname_hr.dat, then it stops with an error; if it finds more MLWFs, then it assumes that the additional MLWFs correspond to uncorrelated orbitals (e.g., the O-2p shells). When reading the hoppings \(\langle w_i | H(\mathbf{R}) | w_j \rangle\) (where \(w_i\) is the \(i\)-th MLWF), the converter also assumes that the first indices correspond to the correlated shells (in our example, the V-t2g shells). Therefore, the MLWFs corresponding to the uncorrelated shells (if present) must be listed after those of the correlated shells. With the wannier90 code, this can be achieved by listing the projections for the uncorrelated shells after those for the correlated shells. In our Pnma-LaVO3 example, for instance, we could use:

Begin Projections
End Projections

where the x=-1,1,0 option indicates that the V–O bonds in the octahedra are rotated by (approximatively) 45 degrees with respect to the axes of the Pbnm cell.

The converter will analyse the matrix elements of the local Hamiltonian to find the symmetry matrices rot_mat needed for the global-to-local transformation of the basis set for correlated orbitals (see section hdf5 structure). The matrices are obtained by finding the unitary transformations that diagonalize \(\langle w_i | H_I(\mathbf{R}=0,0,0) | w_j \rangle\), where \(I\) runs over the correlated shells and i,j belong to the same shell (more details elsewhere…). If two correlated shells are defined as equivalent in seedname.inp, then the corresponding eigenvalues have to match within a threshold of 10-5, otherwise the converter will produce an error/warning. If this happens, please carefully check your data in seedname_hr.dat. This method might fail in non-trivial cases (i.e., more than one correlated shell is present) when there are some degenerate eigenvalues: so far tests have not shown any issue, but one must be careful in those cases (the converter will print a warning message).

The current implementation of the Wannier90 Converter has some limitations:

  • Since wannier90 does not make use of symmetries (symmetry-reduction of the \(\mathbf{k}\)-point grid is not possible), the converter always sets symm_op=0 (see the hdf5 structure section).
  • No charge self-consistency possible at the moment.
  • Calculations with spin-orbit (SO=1) are not supported.
  • The spin-polarized case (SP=1) is not yet tested.
  • The post-processing routines in the module SumkDFTTools were not tested with this converter.
  • proj_mat_all are not used, so there are no projectors onto the uncorrelated orbitals for now.