
BlockStructure.create_gf(ish=0, gf_function=<class ''>, space='solver', **kwargs)[source]

Create a zero BlockGf having the correct structure.

For space='solver', the structure is according to gf_struct_solver, else according to gf_struct_sumk.

Default constructor is Gf which needs a mesh to be provided along. When using GfImFreq as gf_function, you have to supply at least beta as keyword argument.


shell index If space='solver', the index of the of the inequivalent correlated shell, if space='sumk', the index of the correlated shell


function used to construct the Gf objects constituting the individual blocks; default: Gf

space‘solver’ or ‘sumk’

which space the structure should correspond to


options passed on to the Gf constructor for the individual blocks