- class triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.elstruct.ElectronicStructure(vasp_data)[source]
Class containing electronic structure data.
natom (int) : total number of atoms
nktot (int) : total number of k-points
nkibz (int) : number of k-points in IBZ
nband (int) : total number of bands
nspin (int) : spin-polarization
nc_flag (True/False) : non-collinearity flag
efermi (float) : Fermi level read from DOSCAR
proj_raw (array[complex]) : raw projectors from PLOCAR
eigvals (array[float]) : KS eigenvalues
ferw (array[float]) : Fermi weights from VASP
kmesh (dict) : parameters of the k-mesh
structure (dict) : parameters of the crystal structure
symmetry (dict) : paramters of symmetry
When the object is created a simple consistency check of the data coming from different VASP files is performed.
Calculate and output the density and overlap matrix out of projectors defined in el_struct.
Calculate and output the density and overlap matrix out of projectors defined in el_struct. |