TRIQS/h5 1.3.0
C++ interface to HDF5
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 array.hppProvides functions to read/write std::array objects from/to HDF5
 map.hppProvides functions to read/write std::map objects from/to HDF5
 optional.hppProvides functions to read/write std::optional objects from/to HDF5
 pair.hppProvides functions to read/write std::pair objects from/to HDF5
 string.cppImplementation details for stl/string.hpp
 string.hppProvides functions to read/write std::string, char* and h5::char_buf objects from/to HDF5
 tuple.hppProvides functions to read/write std::tuple object from/to HDF5
 variant.hppProvides functions to read/write std::variant object from/to HDF5
 vector.cppImplementation details for stl/vector.hpp
 vector.hppProvides functions to read/write std::vector objects from/to HDF5
 array_interface.cppImplementation details for array_interface.hpp
 array_interface.hppProvides a generic interface to read/write n-dimensional arrays from/to HDF5
 complex.hppProvides a compound type and type traits for complex numbers
 file.cppImplementation details for file.hpp
 file.hppProvides a handle to an HDF5 file
 format.cppImplementation details for format.hpp
 format.hppProvides utilities for reading and writing hdf5_format tags
 generic.hppProvides a generic interface for reading/writing data from/to various HDF5 objects
 group.cppImplementation details for group.hpp
 group.hppProvides a handle to an HDF5 group and various methods to simplify the creation/opening of subgroups, datasets and softlinks within a group
 h5.hppIncludes all relevant h5 headers
 macros.hppMacros used in the h5 library
 object.cppImplementation details for object.hpp
 object.hppProvides a generic handle for HDF5 objects
 scalar.hppProvides a generic interface to read/write scalars from/to HDF5
 serialization.hppProvides generic serialize and deserialize functions for types that can be read/written from/to HDF5
 utils.hppProvides some utility functions for h5