Source code for triqs_hubbardI.solver

# hubbardI: A TRIQS based hubbardI solver
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Malte Schueler
# hubbardI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# hubbardI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# hubbardI. If not, see <>.
from import *
from triqs.atom_diag import *
from itertools import *
import numpy as np
from triqs.operators import Operator, c, c_dag, n

[docs]class Solver(): """Class providing initialization and solve function. Contains all relevant Greensfunctions and self energy."""
[docs] def __init__(self, beta, gf_struct, n_iw=1025, n_tau=10001, n_l=30, n_w=500,w_min=-15,w_max=15,idelta=0.01): """ Initialise the solver. Parameters ---------- beta : scalar Inverse temperature. gf_struct : list of pairs [ (str,[int,...]), ...] Structure of the Green's functions. It must be a list of pairs, each containing the name of the Green's function block as a string and a list of integer indices. For example: ``[ ('up', [0, 1, 2]), ('down', [0, 1, 2]) ]``. n_iw : integer, optional Number of Matsubara frequencies used for the Green's functions. n_tau : integer, optional Number of imaginary time points used for the Green's functions. n_l : integer, optional Number of legendre polynomials used for the Green's functions. n_w : integer, optional Number of real frequency points used for the Green's functions. w_min : integer, optional Lower limit of the range of real frequencies w_max : integer, optional Upper limit of the range of real frequencies idelta : float, optional Broadening of Green's function on real frequencies """ if isinstance(gf_struct,dict): print("WARNING: gf_struct should be a list of pairs [ (str,[int,...]), ...], not a dict") gf_struct = [ [k, v] for k, v in gf_struct.items() ] g_w_list = [] g_iw_list = [] g_tau_list = [] g_l_list = [] name_list = [block for block, ind in gf_struct] for block, ind in gf_struct: g_w_list.append(GfReFreq(indices = ind, window = (w_min, w_max), n_points = n_w)) g_iw_list.append(GfImFreq(indices = ind, beta = beta, n_points = n_iw)) g_tau_list.append(GfImTime(indices = ind, beta = beta, n_points = n_tau)) g_l_list.append(GfLegendre(indices = ind, beta = beta, n_points = n_l)) self.G0_w = BlockGf(name_list = name_list, block_list = g_w_list) self.G0_iw = BlockGf(name_list = name_list, block_list = g_iw_list) self.G_tau = BlockGf(name_list = name_list, block_list = g_tau_list) self.G_l = BlockGf(name_list = name_list, block_list = g_l_list) self.Sigma_iw = self.G0_iw.copy() self.G_iw = self.G0_iw.copy() self.Sigma_w = self.G0_w.copy() self.G_w = self.G0_w.copy() self.gf_struct = gf_struct self.n_iw = n_iw self.n_tau = n_tau self.n_l = n_l self.beta = beta self.n_w = n_w self.w_min = w_min self.w_max = w_max self.idelta = idelta self.fops = [] for block, ind in gf_struct: for ii in ind: self.fops.append((block,ii)) self.eal = dict() for block, ind in self.gf_struct: self.eal[block]= np.zeros((len(ind),len(ind)))
[docs] def solve(self, **params_kw): """ Solve the impurity problem: calculate G(iw) and Sigma(iw) Parameters ---------- params_kw : dict {'param':value} that is passed to the core solver. Only required parameter is * `h_int` (:ref:`Operator object <triqslibs:operators>`): the local Hamiltonian of the impurity problem to be solved, Other parameters are * `calc_gtau` (bool): calculate G(tau) * `calc_gw` (bool): calculate G(w) and Sigma(w) * `calc_gl` (bool): calculate G(legendre) * `calc_dm` (bool): calculate density matrix """ h_int = params_kw['h_int'] try: calc_gtau = params_kw['calc_gtau'] except KeyError: calc_gtau = False try: calc_gw = params_kw['calc_gw'] except KeyError: calc_gw = False try: calc_gl = params_kw['calc_gl'] except KeyError: calc_gl = False try: calc_dm = params_kw['calc_dm'] except KeyError: calc_dm = False Delta_iw = 0*self.G0_iw Delta_iw << iOmega_n Delta_iw -= inverse(self.G0_iw) for block, ind in self.gf_struct: a = Delta_iw[block].fit_tail() self.eal[block] = a[0][0] G0_iw_F = 0*self.G_iw if calc_gw: G0_w_F = 0*self.G_w G0_iw_F << iOmega_n if calc_gw: G0_w_F << Omega for block, ind in self.gf_struct: G0_iw_F[block] -= self.eal[block] if calc_gw: G0_w_F[block] -= self.eal[block] G0_iw_F = inverse(G0_iw_F) if calc_gw: G0_w_F = inverse(G0_w_F) H_loc = 1.0*h_int for block, ind in self.gf_struct: for ii,ii_ind in enumerate(ind): for jj,jj_ind in enumerate(ind): H_loc += self.eal[block][ii,jj]*c_dag(block,ii_ind)*c(block,jj_ind) = AtomDiag(H_loc, self.fops) self.G_iw = atomic_g_iw(, self.beta, self.gf_struct, self.n_iw ) if calc_gw: self.G_w = atomic_g_w(, self.beta, self.gf_struct, (self.w_min,self.w_max), self.n_w, self.idelta) if calc_gtau: self.G_tau = atomic_g_tau(, self.beta, self.gf_struct, self.n_tau ) if calc_gl: self.G_l = atomic_g_l(, self.beta, self.gf_struct, self.n_l ) if calc_dm: = atomic_density_matrix(, self.beta) self.Sigma_iw = inverse(G0_iw_F) - inverse(self.G_iw) if calc_gw: self.Sigma_w = inverse(G0_w_F) - inverse(self.G_w)
def __reduce_to_dict__(self): return {'G0_w': self.G0_w, 'G0_iw': self.G0_iw,'G_tau': self.G_tau, 'G_l': self.G_l, 'Sigma_iw': self.Sigma_iw, 'G_iw': self.G_iw, 'Sigma_w': self.Sigma_w, 'G_w': self.G_w, 'gf_struct': self.gf_struct, 'n_iw': self.n_iw, 'n_w': self.n_w, 'n_tau': self.n_tau, 'n_l': self.n_l,'beta': self.beta, 'w_min': self.w_min,'w_max': self.w_max,'ad', 'idelta': self.idelta,'fops': self.fops,'eal':self.eal} @classmethod def __factory_from_dict__(cls,name,D) : instance = cls(D['beta'], D['gf_struct'], D['n_iw'], D['n_tau'], D['n_l'], D['n_w'], D['w_min'], D['w_max'], D['idelta']) instance.G0_w = D['G0_w'] instance.G0_iw = D['G0_iw'] instance.G_tau = D['G_tau'] instance.G_l = D['G_l'] instance.Sigma_iw = D['Sigma_iw'] instance.G_iw = D['G_iw'] instance.Sigma_w = D['Sigma_w'] instance.G_w = D['G_w'] instance.gf_struct = D['gf_struct'] instance.fops = D['fops'] instance.eal = D['eal'] = D['ad'] return instance
# registering my class from h5.formats import register_class register_class (Solver)