TRIQS/mpi 1.3.0
C++ interface to MPI
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 array.hppProvides an MPI broadcast, reduce, scatter and gather for std::vector
 chunk.hppProvides utilities to distribute a range across MPI processes
 communicator.hppProvides a C++ wrapper class for an MPI_Comm object
 datatypes.hppProvides utilities to map C++ datatypes to MPI datatypes
 environment.hppProvides an MPI environment for initializing and finalizing an MPI program
 generic_communication.hppProvides generic implementations for a subset of collective MPI communications (broadcast, reduce, gather, scatter)
 lazy.hppProvides a struct and tags to represent lazy MPI communication
 macros.hppMacros used in the mpi library
 monitor.hppProvides a class for monitoring and communicating events across multiple processes
 mpi.hppIncludes all relevant mpi headers
 operators.hppProvides utilities to map custom binary functions to MPI operators
 pair.hppProvides an MPI broadcast and reduce for std::pair
 ranges.hppProvides an MPI broadcast, reduce, scatter and gather for contiguous ranges
 string.hppProvides an MPI broadcast for std::string
 utils.hppProvides general utilities related to MPI
 vector.hppProvides an MPI broadcast, reduce, scatter and gather for std::vector