.. _holstein: Anderson-Holstein impurity model ================================ Here we consider an impurity model with electron-phonon coupling, to wit the Anderson-Holstein impurity model. The interacting part of the local Hamiltonian of this problem is: .. math:: \mathcal{H}_\mathrm{int} = U n_\uparrow n_\downarrow + g (a+a^\dagger)(n-n_1) + \omega a^\dagger a, and the non-interacting Green's function is: .. math:: G^{-1}_{0,\sigma} (\omega) = \omega - \epsilon_f - V^2 g(\omega). The new element (compared to the Anderson impurity model) is the presence of a phonon mode with frequency :math:`\omega`, which couples through e-ph coupling strength :math:`g`. Finally, :math:`n_1` is a shift, typically either 0, 1 or :math:`\langle n \rangle`. Here is the python :download:`script `: .. literalinclude:: holstein.py Running this script takes a few minutes and generates an HDF5 archive file called :file:`holstein_solution.h5`. Let us plot the spectral function: .. plot:: guide/holstein_plot.py :include-source: :scale: 100 As expected, the result shows a particle-hole symmetric impurity spectral function with a (charge) Kondo resonance and side peaks at multiples of the phonon frequency :math:`\omega`; Let us now go through the script in some more detail, focusing on the differences with respect to the standard Anderson impurity model. .. literalinclude:: holstein.py :lines: 5-10 Here we set the parameters. Note that we have set the Hubbard parameter to zero, thus this is a pure Holstein impurity problem, with the correlation effects stemming solely from the electron-phonon coupling. We set :math:`n_1` to 1, to ensure particle-hole symmetry. .. literalinclude:: holstein.py :lines: 13 Here we construct the Solver object. Note the model name which contains the phonon number cutoff (10). In NRGLjubljana_interface, the model names are actually paths to template files (either those bundled with the interface in the directory ``templates/``, or custom templates created by the user). In the case of the Anderson-Holstein model, the template files need to be generated for a specific value of the phonon cutoff. .. literalinclude:: holstein.py :lines: 36-38 The Anderson-Holstein model defines several additional expectation values pertaining to the phonon degree of freedom.