.. _welcome: nrgljubljana_interface ********************** .. sidebar:: nrgljubljana_interface 3.0.0 This is the homepage of nrgljubljana_interface v3.0.0. For changes see the :ref:`changelog page `. .. image:: _static/logo_github.png :width: 75% :align: center :target: https://github.com/triqs/nrgljubljana_interface nrgljubljana_iterface provides C++ and Python interfaces between TRIQS and the NRG Ljubljana solver. "NRG Ljubljana" is a general-purpose flexible framework for performing large scale numerical renormalization group (NRG) calculations for quantum impurity problems. It is highly extensible without sacrificing numerical efficiency. It supports a great variety of impurity Hamiltonians and symmetry types. More details can be found on the `project homepage `_, while the code itself is hosted on `Github `_. Learn how to use nrgljubljana_interface in the :ref:`documentation`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: install documentation issues ChangeLog.md about