About omegamaxent_interface
Great thanks to Nils Wentzell for providing technical help with TRIQS and software tools such as Python, Git, CMake, Sphinx, and more, and with the testing and documentation of the code. Thanks to Dylon Simon for setting up the multi-plateform testing, to Manuel Zingl for useful discussions and for reviewing the documentation and tutorials, and thanks to Antoines Georges and Olivier Parcollet for overseeing the development of omegamaxent_interface.
\(\Omega MaxEnt\): Dominic Bergeron
omegamaxent_interface: Simons Foundation
If you use omegamaxent_interface in published work, please cite the following papers: [1] for \(\Omega MaxEnt\) and [2] for the analytic continuation of matrix-valued Matsubara functions.
License and disclaimer
omegamaxent_interface is published under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
It is provided as is, i.e. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind, as stated in the license. In particular, its authors and contributors will take no responsability for any possible bugs or any improper use of these programs, including those resulting in incorrect scientific publications.