# How to do cRPA calculations with VASP This is just a small tutorial and help on how to do cRPA calculations within VASP (https://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/wiki/index.php/CRPA_of_SrVO3) . Moreover, the python script `eval_U.py` contains helper functions to extract the full $U$ matrix tensor from the `Uijkl` or `Vijkl` file from a VASP cRPA run. There are also some general remarks on the notation in VASP for the Coulomb tensor in the pdf included in this folder. Moreover, there is a small collection of examples for SrVO3 and LuNiO3. For more details please take a look at the PhD thesis of Merzuk Kaltak (http://othes.univie.ac.at/38099/). ## file description * `eval_U.py` extraction of Coulomb tensor, calculation of reduced two-index matrices, and calculation / fitting of Kanamori or Slater parameters * `ext_eps.sh` a small bash script that can extract $\epsilon^-1(|q+G|)=[1-VP^r]^-1$ from a given vasprun.xml file ## Workflow: 1. DFT NM normal like: * SYSTEM = SrVO3 * ISMEAR = 0 * SIGMA = 0.05 * EDIFF = 1E-8 2. optical part (larger nbands) and optical properties for generating the linear response integrals needed for cRPA or GW 1. nbands: ~100 bands per atoms, but not larger than number of plane waves generated from ENCUT 2. example: * SYSTEM = SrVO3 * ISMEAR = 0 * ENCUT = high value! * SIGMA = 0.05 * EDIFF = 1E-8 * ALGO = Exact ; NELM=1 * LOPTICS = .TRUE. * LWAVE = .TRUE. * NBANDS =96 * LMAXMIX=4 3. if needed generate wannier functions with ALGO=none (read wavecar and chgcar additionally) and do 0 steps to get the wannier functions correct - this step is not needed, if one has already a wannier90.win file 4. ALGO=CRPA to make vasp calculate U matrices (bare, screened etc. ) 1. omegamax=0 (default) for frequency depend U matrix 2. NCRPA_BANDS for selecting bands in a non-disentagled workflow (vasp.at/wiki/index.php/NCRPA_BANDS) 3. or set NTARGET STATES= # of target states for using the KUBO formalism for disentanglement. Works directly with the wannier functions as basis. The states not listet will be included in screening. 4. example file: * SYSTEM = SrVO3 * ISMEAR = 0 * ENCUT = high value! * VCUTOFF = reasonable high value! * SIGMA = 0.05 * EDIFF = 1E-8 * NBANDS =96 * ALGO = CRPA * NTARGET_STATES = 1 2 3 * LWAVE = .FALSE. * NCSHMEM=1 * LMAXMIX=4 ## important flags: if you get sigsevs while calculating the polarization make sure your local stack size is large enough by setting: ``` ulimit -s unlimited ``` * ALGO=CRPA (automatically calls wannier90 and calculates the U matrix) * NTARGET_STATES= # number of target Wannier funcitons if more target states than basis functions for U matrix one specify the one to exclude from screening as integer list: `1 2 3`. This would build the U matrix for the first 3 Wannier functions in wannier90.win, where 5 Wannier functions are specified there in total and the last 2 are included for the calculation of screening. * for the disentanglement with `NTARGET_STATES` there are 3 options in cRPA: * LPROJECTED (default): Kubo method by Merzuk (http://othes.univie.ac.at/38099/) * LDISENTANGLED: disentanglement of Miyake (doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155134) * LWEIGHTED: weighted method of Friedrich and Shih * LOPTICS= TRUE for calculating the necessary response integrals withing the Kohn-Sham Basis W000x.tmp * NCSHMEM=1 nodody knows, but it is needed! * VCUTOFF cuttoff for bare interaction V. This tests your convergency and is written in the OUTCAR as two sets of bare interaction, where for one of them it says: low cutoff result for V_ijkl. Here ENCUT was used and for the one above 1.1*ENCUT or VCUTOFF was used. * usually a converged ENCUT gives also a reasonably high VCUTOFF, so that explicitly setting VCUTOFF is not necessary. Moreover, the effect of the VCUTOFF convergence is included by subtracting the constant shift between LOW and HIGH VCUTOFF test output in the OUTCAR * One can see in the convergence plot "debugging_examples/LaTiO3/VCUTOFF_convergence.png" the effect of ENCUT and VCUTOFF: ![vcutoff_test](VCUTOFF_convergence.png) ## convergency tests: $`E_{corr}^{RPA}`$ converges for NBANDS,ENCUT to $`\infty`$, where the asymptotic behavior goes like $`1/N_{bands} \approx ENCUT^{-3/2} `$. The ENCUT for the GW part is set automatically by VASP with the ratio: $`ENCUTGW = 2/3 \ ENCUT`$. Moreover, it is crucial to first converge the bare interaction V that does not depend on the polarization. To do these tests set in the INCAR file: * ALGO = 2E4W # calculates only the V * LWPOT = .FALSE # avoid errors * VCUTOFF # vary the cut-off until convergency is reached, default is 1.1*ENCUT * NBANDS # minor effect on V then on W, but nevertheless a reasonable amount of bands must be used. A good choice is 3*NELECT (# of electrons in the systems). The procedure is then to first convergence KPOINTS and ENCUT, where KPOINTS dependency of the results seems to be weak. Then increase NBANDS until U does not change anymore. ## Parameterization of U and J from cRPA calculations `eval_u.py` provides four different methods: - Kanamori: `calc_kan_params(...)` for extracting Kanamori parameters for a cubic system - Slater 1: `calc_u_avg_fulld(...)` using averaging and symmetries: $`U_\mathrm{cubic} = \frac1{2l+1} \sum_i (U_{iiii})`$, $`J_\mathrm{cubic} = \frac1{2l(2l+1)} \sum_{i, j\neq i} U_{ijji}`$. Then, the interaction parameters follow from the conversion $`U = U_\mathrm{cubic} - \frac85 J_\mathrm{cubic}, J = \frac75 J_\mathrm{cubic}`$. - Slater 2: `calculate_interaction_from_averaging(...)` using direct averaging: $`U = \frac1{(2l+1)^2} \sum_{i, j} U_{iijj}`$ and $`J = U - \frac1{2l(2l+1)} \sum_{i, j} U_{ijij}`$. This is more straight forward that Slater 1, but ignores the basis in which the cRPA Uijkl matrix is written. For a perfect Slater matrix this gives the same results if applied in cubic or spherical harmonics basis. - Slater 3: `fit_slater_fulld(...) `using an least-square fit (summed over the matrix elements) of the two-index matrices $`U_{iijj}`$ and $`U_{ijij}`$ to the Slater Hamiltonian. These three methods give the same results if the cRPA matrix is of the Slater type already. Be aware of the order of your basis functions and the basis in which the $U$ tensor is written! ## general sidemarks: * careful with the averaged U,u,J values in the end of the OUTCAR, because they sum all off-diagonal elements! Also inter-site, if the unit cell contains more than one target atom * in VASP the two inner indices are exchanged compared to the notation in PRB 86, 165105 (2012): U_ijkl = U_ikjl^VASP * when specifying bands, always start with 1 not 0. * GW pseudopotentials can be more accurate, since they provide higher cut-offs e.g. , test this... * NCRPA_BANDS and NTARGET_STATES gives the same result in non-entangled bands ## version and compilation: * supported vasp version 6 or higher * wannier90 upto v3.1 works, if no features exclusively to wannier90 v3 are used