.. index:: solid_dmft .. module:: solid_dmft solid_dmft ********** .. sidebar:: solid_dmft |PROJECT_VERSION| This is the homepage of solid_dmft |PROJECT_VERSION|. For changes see the :ref:`changelog page `. visit us on: .. image:: _static/logo_github.png :width: 60% :align: center :target: https://github.com/flatironinstitute/solid_dmft This program allows to perform DFT+DMFT ''one-shot'' and charge self-consistent (CSC) calculations from h5 archives or VASP/Quantum Espresso input files for multiband systems using the `TRIQS software library `_, and the DFT code interface `TRIQS/DFTTools `_. Works with triqs >3.x.x. solid_dmft takes advantage of various `impurity solvers available `_ in triqs: cthyb, HubbardI, ForkTPS, ctint, and ctseg. Postprocessing scripts are available to perform analytic continuation and calculate spectral functions. For installation use the same branch / tag as your triqs installation. More information under :ref:`installation`. Learn how to use solid_dmft in the :ref:`documentation` and the :ref:`tutorials`. For more technical information about the implementation check also the `solid_dmft publication `_ in the JOSS journal. If you are using this code for your research, please cite the paper using this `bib file `_. Workflow of DFT+DMFT calculations with solid_dmft ================================================= .. image:: _static/workflow.png :width: 100% :align: center ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: install documentation tutorials issues ChangeLog.md .. image:: logos/flatiron.png :width: 300 :align: left :target: https://www.simonsfoundation.org/flatiron/center-for-computational-quantum-physics .. image:: logos/eth_logo_kurz_pos.png :width: 300 :align: right :target: https://theory.mat.ethz.ch