.. highlight:: bash .. _installation: Installation ############# Prerequisites ------------- #. The :ref:`TRIQS ` library, see `TRIQS installation instruction `_. In the following, we assume that :ref:`TRIQS `, `triqs/dft_tools `_, and at least one of the impurity solvers `available in TRIQS `_, e.g. cthyb, HubbardI, ctseg, FTPS, or ctint is installed in the directory ``path_to_triqs``. #. Make sure to install besides the triqs requirements also the python packages:: $ pip3 install --user scipy argparse pytest #. To build the documentation the following extra python packages are needed:: $ pip3 install --user sphinx sphinx-autobuild pandoc nbsphinx linkify-it-py sphinx_rtd_theme myst-parser Installation via pip -------------------- You can install the latest solid_dmft release simply via pip (PyPi): ``` pip install solid_dmft ``` However, please make sure that you have a valid TRIQS and TRIQS/DFTTools installation matching the version of solid_dmft. Furthermore, you need at least one of the supported DMFT impurity solvers installed to use solid_dmft. Manual installation via CMake ----------------------------- We provide hereafter the build instructions in the form of a documented bash script. Please change the variable INSTALL_PREFIX to point to your TRIQS installation directory:: INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/triqs # source the triqsvars.sh file from your TRIQS installation to load the TRIQS environment source $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/share/triqs/triqsvars.sh # clone the flatironinstitute/solid_dmft repository from GitHub git clone https://github.com/flatironinstitute/solid_dmft solid_dmft.src # checkout the branch of solid_dmft matching your triqs version. # For example if you use the 3.1.x branch of triqs, dfttools. and cthyb git checkout 3.1.x # Create and move to a new directory where you will compile the code mkdir solid_dmft.build && cd solid_dmft.build # In the build directory call cmake, including any additional custom CMake options, see below cmake ../solid_dmft.src # Compile the code, run the tests, and install the application make test make install This installs solid_dmft into your TRIQS installation folder. To build ``solid_dmft`` with documentation you should run:: $ cmake path/to/solid_dmft.src -DBuild_Documentation=ON $ make $ sphinx-autobuild path/to/solid_dmft.src/doc ./doc/html -c ./doc/ The last line will automatically search for changes in your src dir, rebuild the documentation, and serve it locally as under ``. Docker files & images --------------------- We `provide docker files `_ to build solid_dmft inside a docker container with all dependencies and instructions on how to integrate the connected DFT codes as well. Additionally, we host a most recent unstable version of the docker image used for the github CI `on dockerhub `_. To use this version, which includes the cthyb solver, the hubbardI solver, dfttools, and the maxent package, pull the following image:: $ docker pull materialstheory/solid_dmft_ci Version compatibility --------------------- Keep in mind that the version of ``solid_dmft`` must be compatible with your TRIQS library version, see :ref:`TRIQS website `. In particular the Major Version numbers have to be the same. To use a particular version, go into the directory with the sources, and look at all available branches:: $ cd solid_dmft.src && git branch -vv Checkout the version of the code that you want:: $ git checkout 3.1.x and follow steps 3 to 6 above to compile the code. Custom CMake options -------------------- The compilation of ``solid_dmft`` can be configured using CMake-options:: cmake ../solid_dmft.src -DOPTION1=value1 -DOPTION2=value2 ... +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Options | Syntax | +=================================================================+===============================================+ | Specify an installation path other than path_to_triqs | -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_solid_dmft | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Build in Debugging Mode | -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Disable testing (not recommended) | -DBuild_Tests=OFF | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Build the documentation | -DBuild_Documentation=ON | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+