.. index:: wrapper General organization ===================== c++2py works in two steps, illustrated in Fig. `c++2py.png`_. #. The analysis of the C++ code (header) *abc.hpp* of the functions and classes to be exposed to Python produces a file *abc_desc.py*. This file is a description of the objects to be exposed from C++ to Python. This description is itself written in Python, with an API presented in _documentation/manual/cpp2py. #. From the description file *abc_desc.py*, the tool generate the C wrapping code, which is then compiled with the C++ code to produce the Python module *abc.so* ready to be imported in Python. This is illustrated on the Figure. Remarks: * Some advanced features are obtained by modifying (or writing from scratch) the abc_desc.py file. * The first step requires the use of the Clang compiler (libClang to be precise), while the second step does not. Typically the *abc_desc.py* is generated by the developer and distributed along with the source to compile in non-clang environment. .. image:: c++2py.png :scale: 30 %