.. highlight:: c .. _arr_resize: resize ================================== * **Synopsis**: .. cpp:function:: void resize(size_t, ..., size_t) Resizes the container. * **Examples** : .. literalinclude:: ./resize_0.cpp .. note:: Views cannot be resized. * **Invalidation** : As for std::vector, resize invalidate all pointers to the data of the container (they may move in memory, to maintain data contiguity). Views are invalidated too: more precisely, because of the memory guarantee provided by the views, the view is still valid (code will not crash), but it does *not* view the container anymore... Illustration : .. literalinclude:: ./resize_1.cpp .. _arr_resize_ch: resize_or_check_if_view ================================== * **Synopsis**: .. cpp:function:: void resize_or_check_if_view(ArrayType const & A, shape_t) * If A is a value: resize A * If A is a view: check that the shape if the shape_t and throw an exception if not.