.. _many_body_operator: Second-quantization operators ============================= .. highlight:: c ``many_body_operator_generic`` is a templated class, which implements the algebra of fermionic operators. An object of this class represents a general fermionic operator and supports all standard algebraic operations (sums, products, multiplication by a scalar). It allows to write readable and clean C++ code involving various operators, such as Hamiltonians and observables of many-body systems. .. note:: The internal storage of the ``many_body_operator_generic`` object is not based on a matrix representation. Instead of that, the object stores a list of normally-ordered monomials in basis elements (creation and annihilation operators), accompanied by scalar coefficients. This approach allows to minimize the required storage space. ``many_body_operator_generic`` is declared as :: namespace triqs { namespace operators { template class many_body_operator_generic; }} Template parameters ------------------- * **ScalarType** determines the scalar type to construct the algebra. ``ScalarType`` will be ``double``, ``std::complex``, or ``triqs::utility::real_or_complex`` most of the time. ``triqs::utility::real_or_complex`` is a variant numeric type that can carry either a real or a complex value. Type of the result of an arithmetic expression involving ``real_or_complex`` objects is dynamically deduced at runtime. One may, however, use an arbitrary user-defined type, as long as it meets two conditions: * Objects of the type form a field, i.e. they support operations ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``=`` and compound assignments ``+=``, ``-=``, ``*=``, ``/=``. * There is a free function ``bool is_zero(ScalarType [const&] x)``, declared in namespace ``triqs::utility``, which detects if an object of the type ``ScalarType`` is zero. One more requirement must be met to make free function ``dagger()`` (Hermitian conjugate) available: * There is a free function ``ScalarType conj(ScalarType [const&] x)``, declared in namespace ``triqs::utility``, which returns a complex conjugate of ``x``. For the sake of convenience, three type aliases are declared: :: // Operator with real matrix elements using many_body_operator_real = many_body_operator_generic; // Operator with complex matrix elements using many_body_operator_complex = many_body_operator_generic>; // Operator with polymorphic matrix elements using many_body_operator = many_body_operator_generic; Construction/factories ---------------------- ``many_body_operator_generic`` provides a minimal set of constructors: :: // Default constructor; constructs a zero operator many_body_operator_generic(); // Construct a constant operator many_body_operator_generic(ScalarType const& x); // Copy-constructor many_body_operator_generic(many_body_operator_generic const&); // Move-constructor many_body_operator_generic(many_body_operator_generic&&) = default; Three factory functions can be used to construct nontrivial operators: :: // Annihilation template many_body_operator_generic c(IndexTypes... ind); // Creation template many_body_operator_generic c_dag(IndexTypes... ind); // Number of particles template many_body_operator_generic n(IndexTypes... ind); ``IndexTypes`` is an arbitrarily long sequence of index types, each being ``int`` or ``std::string``. Creation and annihilation operators obey the canonical anticommutation relation .. math:: \hat c^\dagger_{\mathrm{ind}_1} \hat c_{\mathrm{ind}_2} + \hat c_{\mathrm{ind}_2} \hat c^\dagger_{\mathrm{ind}_1} = \delta_{{\mathrm{ind}_1},{\mathrm{ind}_2}}, and the number of particle is defined as .. math:: \hat n_\mathrm{ind} = \hat c^\dagger_\mathrm{ind} \hat c_\mathrm{ind}. There is no need to preregister valid values of ``ind`` before they are used to create an elementary operator. This means, that an algebra can be extended with new basis elements on-the-fly, after some expressions have been created. Overloaded operations --------------------- ``many_body_operator_generic`` class defines a number of arithmetic operations with objects of the class and constants of type ``ScalarType``. If ``A`` and ``B`` are objects of class ``many_body_operator_generic`` (instantiated with *the same scalar and index types*) and ``x`` is an instance of ``ScalarType``, then the following expressions are valid: :: // Addition A + B; A + x; x + A; A += B; A += x; // Subtraction A - B; A - x; x - A; A -= B; A -= x; -A; // Multiplication A*B; x*A; A*x; A *= B; A *= x; // Division by scalar A / x; A /= x; The result of any of the defined operations is guaranteed to preserve its normally ordered form. ``many_body_operator_generic`` can be copy-constructed and assigned from another ``many_body_operator_generic`` instantiation with a compatible scalar type. For example, it is possible to copy-construct ``many_body_operator_complex`` from ``many_body_operator_real``, but not vice versa. An instance of ``many_body_operator_generic`` can be inserted into an output stream, provided ``ScalarType`` supports insertion into the stream. :: many_body_operator_generic x = c(0); many_body_operator_generic y = c_dag(1); std::cout << (x + y)*(x - y) << std::endl; // prints "2*C^+(1)C(0)" Member types ------------ :: using scalar_t = ScalarType; Accessor to the ``ScalarType``. Methods ------- :: bool is_zero() const; Returns ``true`` if this operator is a precise zero. :: triqs::hilbert_space::fundamental_operator_set make_fundamental_operator_set() const; Returns :ref:`fundamental_operator_set` containing all indices met within this operator. :: static many_body_operator_generic make_canonical(bool is_dag, indices_t indices); Returns a canonical operator (creation, if ``is_dag = true``, annihilation otherwise) with given ``indices``. Free functions -------------- :: many_body_operator_generic dagger(many_body_operator_generic const& op); Returns the Hermitian conjugate of ``op``. :: many_body_operator_generic real(many_body_operator_generic const& op); Returns a copy of ``op`` with the imaginary parts of all monomial coefficients set to zero. :: many_body_operator_generic imag(many_body_operator_generic const& op); Returns a copy of ``op`` with the real parts of all monomial coefficients set to zero. :: template many_body_operator_generic transform(many_body_operator_generic const& op, Lambda&& L); Transforms ``op`` by applying a given functor ``L`` to each monomial. The functor must take two arguments convertible from ``monomial_t`` (see next paragraph) and ``ScalarType`` respectively, and return a new coefficient of the monomial. Iteration over monomials ------------------------ The aim of ``many_body_operator_generic`` is to have a class allowing to encode different operator expressions in C++ in the form closest to the mathematical notation. At the same time, one would like to explicitly extract the structure of a given operator (to calculate its matrix elements, for instance). For this purpose ``many_body_operator_generic`` exposes the following part of its interface: - ``using indices_t = std::vector;`` A vector of indices. Each index is a variant type with two options: ``int`` or ``std::string``. - ``struct canonical_ops_t`` This structure represents an elementary operator (basis element of the algebra). :: struct canonical_ops_t { bool dagger; // true = creation, false = annihilation indices_t indices; // values of indices ... }; - ``using monomial_t = std::vector;`` A *normally ordered* sequence of elementary operators (*monomial*). - ``using const_iterator = ...;`` A bidirectional constant iterator to the list of monomials. It can be dedocumentation/manual/triqsd into a special proxy object, which contains two data members: ``scalar_t coef`` and ``monomial_t const& monomial``. - ``begin()``/``cbegin()`` Returns ``const_iterator`` pointing at the first monomial. - ``end()``/``cend()`` Returns ``const_iterator`` pointing past the end. Here is an example of use: :: using Op = many_body_operator; Op H = -0.5*(n(0) + n(1)) + n(0)*n(1); for(Op::const_iterator it = H.begin(); it != H.end(); ++it){ double coef = it->coef; auto monomial = it->monomial; std::cout << "Coefficient: " << coef << std::endl; std::cout << "Monomial: " << std::endl; for(auto const& o : monomial){ std::cout << "dagger: " << o.dagger << " index: " << o.indices[0] << " "; // only 1 index per elementary operator } std::cout << std::endl; } .. highlight:: none The output should be :: Coefficient: -0.5 Monomial: dagger: 1 index: 0 dagger: 0 index: 0 Coefficient: -0.5 Monomial: dagger: 1 index: 1 dagger: 0 index: 1 Coefficient: 1 Monomial: dagger: 1 index: 0 dagger: 1 index: 1 dagger: 0 index: 1 dagger: 0 index: 0 Serialization & HDF5 -------------------- Objects of ``many_body_operator_generic`` are ready to be serialized/deserialized with Boost.Serialization. This also allows to transparently send/receive them through Boost.MPI calls. Writing to/reading from HDF5 is supported for the polymorphic version of the operators (``many_body_operator``) provided they contain no terms beyond quartic. Python ------ .. highlight:: python Python wrapper for ``many_body_operator`` class is called ``Operator``. It is found in module ``pytriqs.operators.operators`` : :: from pytriqs.operators.operators import Operator, c, c_dag, n It corresponds to a specialized version of ``many_body_operator_generic``: ``real_or_complex`` as the scalar type and two indices. All arithmetic operations implemented in C++ are also available in Python as well as special methods ``__repr__()`` and ``__str__()``. .. code-block:: python from pytriqs.operators.operators import * from itertools import product C_list = [c(1,0),c(2,0)] Cd_list = [c_dag(1,0), c_dag(2,0)] print "Anticommutators:" for Cd,C in product(Cd_list,C_list): print "{", Cd, ",", C, "} =", Cd*C + C*Cd print "Commutators:" for Cd,C in product(Cd_list,C_list): print "[", Cd, ",", C, "] =", Cd*C - C*Cd x = c('A',0) y = c_dag('B',0) print "x =", x print "y =", y print "Algebra:" print "-x =", -x print "x + 2.0 =", x + 2.0 print "2.0 + x =", 2.0 + x print "x - 2.0 =", x - 2.0 print "2.0 - x =", 2.0 - x print "3.0*y =", 3.0*y print "y*3.0 =", y*3.0 print "x + y =", x + y print "x - y =", x - y print "(x + y)*(x - y) =", (x + y)*(x - y) print "x*x is zero:", (x*x).is_zero() print "dagger(x) = ", dagger(x)