.. module:: pytriqs.fit.fit Fitting data ==================== A simple example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let us for example fit the Green function : .. plot:: documentation/manual/triqs/plotting_protocols/fit/fit_test.py :include-source: :scale: 70 Note that `x_window` appears in the `x_data_view` method to clip the data on a given window and in the plot function, to clip the plot itself. .. A more complex example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To illustrate the use of python in a more complex situation, let us demonstrate a simple data analysis. This does not use any TRIQS objects, it is just a little exercise in python. Imagine that we have 10 Green's function coming from a calculation in a hdf5 file. For the need of the demonstration, we will create them "documentation/manually" here, but it is just to make life easier. STILL NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN Reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Fit class is very simple and is provided for convenience, but the reader is encouraged to have a look through it and adapt it (it is simply a call to scipy.leastsq). .. autoclass:: pytriqs.fit.Fit :members: Example of fitfunc:: linear = lambda X, a,b : a * X + b, r"$%f x + %f$" , (1,1) quadratic = lambda X, a,b,c: (a * X + b)*Omega + c, r"$%f x^2 + %f x + %f$" , (0,1,1)