.. index:: Random number generator .. module:: pytriqs.random_generator .. _random_generator: Random number generators ========================== TRIQS exposes to python the random number generators used in C++, in the module ``RandomGenerator``. The generators are the boost random generators. Usage ----- The generator is constructed from a name (the name of the boost generator) and a seed:: from pytriqs.random_generator import * r = RandomGenerator("mt19937", 237849) A list of available random generators is obtained with:: print random_generator_names_list() Then you can either generate float number on the interval :math:`[0,1[` simply by calling the generator, or integer numbers in the inverval :math:`[0,N-1]` by calling it with `N` :: print r() print r(10) Example ------- Here's a simple example showing how to use the generator. .. plot:: documentation/manual/triqs/random_generator/random.py :include-source: :scale: 70 Complete documentation/manual/triqs ------------------ .. autoclass:: pytriqs.random_generator.RandomGenerator :members: .. autofunction:: pytriqs.random_generator.random_generator_names_list