.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__atom_diag__act: triqs::atom_diag::act ===================== *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis | :green:`template` | typename atom_diag::full_hilbert_space_state_t :red:`act` (typename atom_diag::many_body_op_t const & :param:`op`, | typename atom_diag::full_hilbert_space_state_t const & :param:`st`, | :ref:`atom_diag\ ` const & :param:`atom`) Act with operator `op` on state `st` Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`op` Operator to act on the state. * :param:`st` Initial state vector in the full Hilbert space, written in the eigenbasis of the Hamiltonian. * :param:`atom` Solved diagonalization problem. Returns ^^^^^^^ Final state vector in the full Hilbert space.