.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__det_manip__det_manip__constructor: triqs::det_manip::det_manip::constructor ======================================== *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis 1. | :red:`det_manip` (FunctionType :param:`F`, size_t :param:`init_size`) 2. | :green:`template` | :red:`det_manip` (FunctionType :param:`F`, ArgumentContainer1 const & :param:`X`, ArgumentContainer2 const & :param:`Y`) 3. | :red:`det_manip` (det_manip const & ) 4. | :red:`det_manip` (det_manip && :param:`rhs`) noexcept Documentation Template parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`ArgumentContainer` Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`F` The function (NB : a copy is made of the F object in this class). * :param:`init_size` The maximum size of the matrix before a resize (like reserve in std::vector). Like std::vector, resize is automatic (by a factor 2) but can yield a performance penalty if it happens too often. * :param:`X,` Y : container for X,Y.