.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__gfs__gf__operator=: triqs::gfs::gf::operator= ========================= *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis 1. | gf & :red:`operator=` (gf & :param:`rhs`) 2. | gf & :red:`operator=` (gf const & :param:`rhs`) 3. | gf & :red:`operator=` (gf && :param:`rhs`) noexcept 4. | :green:`template` | gf & :red:`operator=` (RHS && :param:`rhs`) 5. | void :red:`operator=` (lazy> :param:`l`) 6. | void :red:`operator=` (lazy> :param:`l`) 7. | void :red:`operator=` (lazy> :param:`l`) Documentation **4)** The assignment resizes the mesh and the data, invalidating all pointers on them. **5)** Performs MPI reduce **6)** Performs MPI scatter **7)** Performs MPI gather Template parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`RHS` Type of the right hand side rhs. Must model GreenFunction concept. RHS can be anything modeling the gf concept TBW In particular lazy expression with Green functions Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`rhs` * :param:`l` The lazy object returned by mpi::reduce .. error:: File not found Example file /src/triqs/doc/documentation/examples/triqs/gfs/gf_assign_0.cpp not found