.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__hilbert_space__stateLTHilbertSpace_ScalarType_trueGT__constructor: triqs::hilbert_space::state::constructor ====================================================================== *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis 1. | :red:`state` () 2. | :red:`state` (HilbertSpace const & :param:`hs`) 3. | :red:`state` (HilbertSpace const & :param:`hs`, fock_state_t :param:`st`) Documentation **1)** Construct a new state object The constructed state is dummy state not belonging to any Hilbert space. **It should not be used in expressions!** **2)** Construct a new state object **3)** Construct a new state object and set the st-th amplitude to 1. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`hs` Hilbert space the new state belongs to * :param:`st` Basis state with the unity amplitude