.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__mc_tools__mc_generic__accumulate: triqs::mc_tools::mc_generic::accumulate ======================================= *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis | int :red:`accumulate` (uint64_t :param:`n_accumulation_cycles`, | int64_t :param:`length_cycle`, | std::function :param:`stop_callback`, | :ref:`communicator ` :param:`c` = mpi::communicator{}) Accumulate/Measure Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`n_accumulation_cycles` Number of QMC cycles in the accumulation (measures are done after each cycle). * :param:`length_cycle` Number of QMC move attempts in one cycle * :param:`stop_callback` Callback function () -> bool. It is called after each cycle to and the computation stops when it returns true. Typically used to set up the time limit, cf doc. Returns ^^^^^^^ = ============================================= 0 if the computation has run until the end 1 if it has been stopped by stop_callback 2 if it has been stopped by receiving a signal = =============================================