Multivariable Green's functions ------------------------------- .. warning:: This part of the library is largely experimental and subject to API breaks TRIQS comes with multivariable Green's functions such as :math:`G_{\sigma,\sigma',I}(i\omega,i\Omega)` or :math:`\gamma(i\omega,i\omega',i\Omega)`. They come with properties similar to the single-variable Greens functions, namely: - they have a **mesh** (which is the cartesian product of two one-dimensional meshes) - they have **data** (a numpy array of shape ``dim_var1 x dim_var2 x ... x dim_target_1 x dim_target_2 x ...``) - they can be stored in a **HDF5 archive** - they can be **broadcast**, **reduced**... - they can be **sliced in the target space**, one can access e.g. the element :math:`G_{\uparrow,\downarrow,z}(i\omega,i\Omega)` in the example above The main additional feature is the ability to slice the Greens function with respect to its frequency arguments. This is done via the functions **``slice_at_const_w1(n)``**, **``slice_at_const_w2(n)``**... where n is the Matsubara index of the first, second, ... argument, respectively. For instance, if G is the object representing :math:`\gamma(i\omega,i\omega',i\Omega)`, **``G.slice_at_const_w3(10).slice_at_const_w2(4)``** is the function :math:`i\omega_n \rightarrow \gamma(i\omega_n,i\omega'_4,i\Omega_{10})` The construction and use of these functions is illustrated for the following vertex function: .. math:: G^{\eta=\mathrm{ch},\mathrm{sp}}_{\sigma,\sigma',I}(i\omega,i\Omega) = \frac{U^2}{4}\frac{1}{(i\omega+i\Omega)(i\omega)} This is a block function whose two blocks are defined on a product of two Matsubara frequency meshes, and are tensor-valued of rank 3: the blocks are encoded by objects of the type **``GfImFreq_x_ImFreqTv3``**. .. plot:: userguide/gfs/ :include-source: :scale: 70