
#include <triqs/atom_diag/gf.hpp>


  1. template<bool Complex>
    block_gf<triqs::mesh::imtime> atomic_g_tau (gf_lehmann_t<Complex> const & lehmann,
    gf_struct_t const & gf_struct,
    mesh::imtime const & mesh)
  2. template<bool Complex>
    block_gf<triqs::mesh::imtime> atomic_g_tau (atom_diag<Complex> const & atom,
    double beta,
    gf_struct_t const & gf_struct,
    int n_tau,
    excluded_states_t const & excluded_states = {})


1) The atomic imaginary time Green’s function, constructed from precomputed Lehmann representation

2) The atomic imaginary time Green’s function, possibly with excluded states (none by default)

Template parameters

  • Complex Do we have a diagonalization problem with a complex-valued Hamiltonian?


  • lehmann Lehmann representation.

  • gf_struct Block structure of the Green’s function, block name -> list of inner indices.

  • mesh Imaginary time mesh used in construction.

  • atom Solved diagonalization problem.

  • beta Inverse temperature.

  • n_tau Number of imaginary time points.

  • excluded_states Excluded eigenstates as pairs (subspace index, inner index).


Atomic Green’s function \(G_{at}(\tau)\)