
#include <triqs/gfs/gf.hpp>


  1. gf ()
  2. gf (gf<M, Target, Layout> const & x)
  3. gf (gf<M, Target, Layout> && )
  4. gf (gf::mesh_t m, gf::data_t dat)
  5. gf (gf::mesh_t m, gf::target_shape_t shape = {})
  6. gf (gf_view<M, Target> const & g)
  7. gf (gf_const_view<M, Target> const & g)
  8. template<typename G>
    gf (G const & g)
  9. template<typename Tag>
    gf (lazy<Tag, gf_const_view<M, Target>> l)


1) Empty Green function (with empty array).

6) Makes a deep copy of the data

7) Makes a deep copy of the data

8) From any object modeling the concept_GreenFunction.

9) from the mpi lazy operation. Cf MPI section !

Template parameters

  • G A type modeling concept_GreenFunction.

  • Tag


  • m Mesh

  • dat data arrray

  • shape Target shape

  • g

  • l The lazy object

NB : type must be the same, e.g. g2(reduce(g1)) will work only if mesh, Target, Singularity are the same…


#include <triqs/gfs.hpp>
#include <triqs/mesh.hpp>
using namespace triqs::gfs;
using namespace triqs;
int main() {
  auto beta = 10.0;
  gf<imfreq> gf{{beta, Fermion}, {1, 1}};