Source code for triqs.utility.dist_on_nodes

# Copyright (c) 2013 Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
# Copyright (c) 2013 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
# Copyright (c) 2020 Simons Foundation
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors: Olivier Parcollet, Nils Wentzell

import os,sys,time,pickle
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi

[docs] class DistributionOnNodes: """ Distribution of the calculation of a function over the nodes. Derive from it and reimplement : - treate : will be called by the MASTER each time a point is computed. this function will typically store it, and possibly affect the list of points waiting to be computed, as returned by next... NB : "None" result is ignored. - next : next point to compute. If it returns None (which is not the same as finished()) the computation is ignored. - finished() : Whether the calculation is finished - the_function : function to be computed, with the argument given by next() In the module DistributionOnNodeTest is a test example """ SleepTime = 1 #def treate(self,x,node_where_computed): pass #def next(self): return None #def finished(self): return True #None #def the_function(self,x): return x
[docs] def run(self): """ """ mpi.barrier() if mpi.size==1 : # single machine. Avoid the fork while not(self.finished()): n = next(self) if n!=None : self.treate(self.the_function(n),0) return # Code for multiprocessor machines RequestList,pid = [],0 # the pid of the child on the master node_running,node_stopped= mpi.size*[False],mpi.size*[False] if mpi.rank==0 : while not(self.finished()) or pid or [n for n in node_running if n] != [] : # Treat the request which have self.finished def keep_request(r) : #if not(mpi.test(r)) : return True #if r.message !=None : self.treate(*r.message) #node_running[r.status.source] = False T = r.test() if T is None : return True value = T[0] if value !=None : self.treate(*value) node_running[T[1].source] = False return False RequestList = list(filter(keep_request,RequestList)) # send new calculation to the nodes or "stop" them for node in [ n for n in range(1,mpi.size) if not(node_running[n] or node_stopped[n]) ] : #open('tmp','a').write("master : comm to node %d %s\n"%(node,self.finished())) mpi.send(self.finished(),node) if not(self.finished()) : mpi.send(next(self),node) # send the data for the computation node_running[node] = True RequestList.append(mpi.irecv(node)) #Post the receive else : node_stopped[node] = True # Look if the child process on the master has self.finished. if not(pid) or os.waitpid(pid,os.WNOHANG) : if pid : RR = pickle.load(open("res_master",'r')) if RR != None : self.treate(*RR) if not(self.finished()) : pid=os.fork(); currently_calculated_by_master = next(self) if pid==0 : # we are on the child if currently_calculated_by_master : res = self.the_function(currently_calculated_by_master) else: res = None pickle.dump((res,mpi.rank),open('res_master','w')) os._exit(0) # Cf python doc. Used for child only. else : pid=0 if (pid): time.sleep(self.SleepTime) # so that most of the time is for the actual calculation on the master else : # not master while not(mpi.recv(0)) : # master will first send a finished flag omega = mpi.recv(0) if omega ==None : res = None else : res = self.the_function(omega) mpi.send((res,mpi.rank),0) mpi.barrier()
[docs] class DistributionOnNodesOneStack(DistributionOnNodes) : """ A special of distribution, when one has a given stack of points to compute Reimplement just the_function """
[docs] def __init__(self,the_stack) : self.__l = the_stack self.__l.reverse() self.__result = []
[docs] def treate(self,x,node): self.__result.append((node,x))
[docs] def finished(self): return self.__l==[]
def __next__(self): return self.__l.pop()
[docs] def result(self) : return self.__result
[docs] def run(self): return self.result()
[docs] class DistributionOnNodesTest(DistributionOnNodesOneStack) : """ """
[docs] def the_function(self,x): return (x,x+1,x+2)
if __name__ == '__main__' : d = DistributionOnNodesTest(list(range(21))) if mpi.rank==0 : print(d.result())