.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _itertools__enum_iter__operator==: itertools::enum_iter::operator== ================================ *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis 1. | bool :red:`operator==` (enum_iter const & :param:`other`) const 2. | :green:`template` | bool :red:`operator==` (:ref:`sentinel_t\ ` const & :param:`s`) const Documentation Template parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`SentinelIter` Iterator type of the sentinel. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`other` itertools::enum_iter to compare with. * :param:`s` itertools::sentinel_t to compare with. Returns ^^^^^^^ True, if the original iterator is equal to the iterator stored in the sentinel.