.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__det_manip__det_manip__try_insert_k: triqs::det_manip::det_manip::try_insert_k ========================================= *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis | det_manip::value_type :red:`try_insert_k` (std::vector :param:`i`, | std::vector :param:`j`, | std::vector :param:`x`, | std::vector :param:`y`) Double Insert operation at colum j0,j1 and row i0,i1. The operation consists in adding : * two columns f(x_i, y_{j0}), f(x_i, y_{j1}) * and two rows f(x_{i0}, x_j), f(x_{i1}, x_j) The new colums/rows will be at col j0, j1, row i0, i1. 0 <= i0,i1,j0,j1 <= N+1, where N is the current size of the matrix. Returns the ratio of det Minv_new / det Minv. This routine does NOT make any modification. It has to be completed with complete_operation().