.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__hilbert_space__imperative_operator__constructor: triqs::hilbert_space::imperative_operator::constructor ====================================================== *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis 1. | :red:`imperative_operator` () 2. | :red:`imperative_operator` (triqs::operators::many_body_operator_generic const & :param:`op`, | :ref:`fundamental_operator_set ` const & :param:`fops`, | imperative_operator::hilbert_map_t :param:`hmap` = hilbert_map_t(), | const std::vector \* :param:`sub_spaces_set` = nullptr) Documentation **1)** Construct a zero operator **2)** Constructor from a `many_body_operator` and a `fundamental_operator_set` Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`op` Source `many_body_operator` object * :param:`fops` [[fundamental_operator_set]]; must contain all index sequences met in `op` * :param:`hmap` Map of subspaces-to-subspaces connections generated by `op` (only for `UseMap = true`) * :param:`sub_spaces_set` Pointer to a vector of all Hilbert subspaces referred by `hmap` (only for `UseMap = true`)