.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__hilbert_space__space_partition__constructor: triqs::hilbert_space::space_partition::constructor ================================================== *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis 1. | :red:`space_partition` (space_partition::state_t const & :param:`st`, | space_partition::operator_t const & :param:`H`, | bool :param:`store_matrix_elements` = true, | space_partition::operator_t const & :param:`Hyb` = operator_t()) 2. | :red:`space_partition` (space_partition const & ) Documentation **1)** Perform Phase I of the automatic partition algorithm Partitions a Hilbert space into invariant subspaces of the Hamiltonian. **2)** Copy-constructor Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`st` Sample many-body state to be used internally by the algorithm * :param:`H` Hamiltonian as an imperative operator * :param:`store_matrix_elements` Should we store the non-vanishing matrix elements of the Hamiltonian?