.. Generated automatically by cpp2rst .. highlight:: c .. role:: red .. role:: green .. role:: param .. _triqs__stat__histogram__mpi_reduce: triqs::stat::histogram::mpi_reduce ================================== *#include * **Synopsis** .. rst-class:: cppsynopsis | :ref:`histogram ` :red:`mpi_reduce` (:ref:`histogram ` const & :param:`h`, | :ref:`communicator ` :param:`c` = {}, | int :param:`root` = 0, | bool :param:`all` = false, | MPI_Op :param:`op` = MPI_SUM) MPI-reduce histogram. The only supported reduction operation is MPI_SUM, which is equivalent to `operator+()`. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ * :param:`h` Histogram subject to reduction * :param:`c` MPI communicator object * :param:`root` MPI root rank for MPI reduction * :param:`all` Send reduction result to all ranks in `c`? * :param:`op` Reduction operation, must be MPI_SUM Returns ^^^^^^^ Reduction result; valid only on MPI rank 0 if `all = false`