Green's functions ================= .. highlight:: c .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 The `gfs` class of TRIQS contains objects representing Green functions over real or imaginary times, real or imaginary frequencies... that can be easily manipulated at the C++ level. Here are a couple of simple examples showing the basic use of this class. Learn more in the :doc:`full reference <../../reference/gfs/c++/contents>`. Matsubara Green's functions ----------------------------- Creation of a simple Green's function :math:`G(i\omega)` ......................................................... In this example, we show how to initialize the following Green's functions: .. math:: G(i\omega) = \frac{1}{i\omega -3} .. literalinclude:: tut_matsub_1.cpp :language: cpp Two-frequency Green's function :math:`G(i\omega,i\nu)` ........................................................ In this example, we show how to initialize the following Green's functions: .. math:: G(i\omega, i\nu) = \frac{1}{i\omega + i\nu -4} .. literalinclude:: tut_matsub_2.cpp :language: cpp Imaginary-time Green's functions :math:`G(\tau)` -------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: tutorial_3.cpp :language: cpp Real-time Green's functions :math:`G(t)` ---------------------------------------------- Here we create a GF defined on the time interval from tmin to tmax. If we want the value of the GF at any time to be a scalar, we use: .. literalinclude:: tutorial_0.cpp :language: cpp If we need a matrix of size n by m, we use: .. literalinclude:: tutorial_1.cpp :language: cpp Or a tensor! .. literalinclude:: tutorial_2.cpp :language: cpp Creation of a two real time GF :math:`G(t,t')` ................................................ .. literalinclude:: tutorial_4.cpp :language: cpp How to fill a GF with placeholders ................................... .. literalinclude:: tutorial_5.cpp :language: cpp How to interpolate the GF value at a point of the domain ............................................................................. You simply have to call the GF with the coordinates of the point: .. literalinclude:: tutorial_6.cpp :language: cpp Learn more in the full reference, see :ref:`greenfunctions`