
#include <triqs_ctseg.hpp>

class measure_gl

Measure for the Green’s function in Legendre basis

The Legendre coefficients of the Green’s function and the improved estimator

are defined as

\[X(l)=\sqrt{2l+1}\int_0^\beta d\tau\,P_l[x(\tau)]X(\tau)\]

with \(X=G^\sigma_{ab},F^\sigma_{ab}\), \(x(\tau)=2\tau/\beta-1\) and \(P_l(x)\) are the Legendre polynomials, defined in the [-1,1] interval.

These measurements are controlled through the switches and parameter

measure_gl, measure_fl and n_legendre_g.

The Legendre Green’s function may be transformed to the Matsubara basis

through the unitary transformation

\(G_a(i\omega_n) = \sum_{l\geq 0}T_{nl} G_a(l)\)


\(T_{nl} = (-1)^ni^{l+1}\sqrt{2l+1}j_l\left(\frac{(2n+1)\pi}{2}\right)\)

with the spherical Bessel functions \(j_l(z)\).

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