# TRIQS application maxent
# Copyright (C) 2018 Gernot J. Kraberger
# Copyright (C) 2018 Simons Foundation
# Authors: Gernot J. Kraberger and Manuel Zingl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This file defines a bunch of functions that represent physical
functions in the MaxEnt formalism.
The base classes for all these are :class:`.DoublyDerivableFunction`
and/or :class:`.InvertibleFunction`.
The most important functions defined are
* the definition of the :math:`\chi^2`, which comes as :py:class:`.NormalChi2`.
* the definition of the entropy; for diagonal elements of Green functions
the :py:class:`.NormalEntropy` should be used, for off-diagonals the
* the definition of the parametrization of :math:`H(v)` in singular
space (which maps a vector :math:`v` in singular space to a spectral
function :math:`H`); here, again we have a :py:class:`.NormalH_of_v`
and a :py:class:`.PlusMinusH_of_v`.
* the definition of the parametrization of :math:`A(H)`; for normal
calculations the :py:class:`.IdentityA_of_H` takes care of the factor
:math:`\Delta\omega` in non-uniform :math:`\omega` meshes. For preblur
calculations (see :ref:`preblur`), the :py:class:`.PreblurA_of_H` additionally
blurs the hidden image :math:`H` to get the spectral function :math:`A`.
import numpy as np
from .maxent_util import *
from .preblur import *
from .kernels import KernelSVD
from functools import wraps
import copy
def safelog(A):
# a logarithm that does not produce as many nans
A[np.where(np.abs(A) <= 1.e-100)] = 1.e-100
return np.log(A)
def view_complex(A, reshape=True):
if not reshape:
return A.view(np.complex128)
return A.view(np.complex128).reshape(A.shape[:-1])
def view_real(A, reshape=True):
if not reshape:
return A.view(float)
return A.view(float).reshape(A.shape + (2,))
def cached(func):
""" A descriptor for cached functions """
def new_func(self, x=None):
# use an x that has been supplied before
if x is None or x is getattr(self, "_x", None):
if func not in self._cached:
# cache the result
self._cached[func] = func(self, self._x)
return self._cached[func]
return func(self, x)
return new_func
# =====================================================================
# Generic
# =====================================================================
class GenericFunction(object):
def parameter_change(self):
""" Notify the function that parameters have changed
This allows to reprocess certain values.
class CachedFunction(GenericFunction):
""" A function that remembers its values
The general way to use the functions that are cached, which here are
all the functions derived from GenericFunction, is to supply the
argument to the function class and then get either the function value
as ``.f()``, the derivative as ``.d()``, or the second derivative as ``.dd()``.
Note that it is advisable to supply the argument once (e.g. ``cf(x)``) and evaluate
everything afterwards as then the results are being cached.
Note that just the reference of the supplied argument is stored, i.e.
if you change it there might be inconsistent results.
def __call__(self, x):
ret = copy.copy(self) # a shallow copy
ret._cached = dict()
# the following is a trick to ensure that id(self._x) != id(x)
# thus, when calling a function with self._x, the cached version
# is used, but with any other x (including the original object,
# which might have been modified without changing the id, i.e.
# the memory pointer) the function is reevaluated
ret._x = x.view()
return ret
class DoublyDerivableFunction(CachedFunction):
""" Template for a double derivable function
This function has the methods ``f``, ``d`` and ``dd``, representing
the function values and its two derivatives.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.extra_args = kwargs
def f(self, x):
""" function value """
raise NotImplementedError()
def d(self, x):
""" first derivative """
raise NotImplementedError()
def dd(self, x):
""" second derivative """
raise NotImplementedError()
def check_derivatives(self, around, renorm=False, prec=1.e-8):
""" check derivatives using numerical derivation
around : array
the value that should be inserted for ``x`` in the functions
renorm : bool or float
if bool: if False, do not renormalize, if True: renormalize
by the function value; if float, renormalize by the value
of the float; this allows to get some kind of relative error
prec : float
the precision of the check, i.e. if the error is larger than
``prec``, a warning will be issued
success : bool
whether the test passed (True) or not (False)
d_success = self.check_d(around, renorm, prec)
dd_success = self.check_dd(around, renorm, prec)
return (d_success and dd_success)
def check_d(self, around, renorm=False, prec=1.e-8):
""" check first derivative
see :py:meth:`.check_derivatives`
return check_der(self.f, self.d, around, renorm, prec,
"1st derivative " + type(self).__name__)
def check_dd(self, around, renorm=False, prec=1.e-8):
""" check second derivative
see :py:meth:`.check_derivatives`
return check_der(self.d, self.dd, around, renorm, prec,
"2nd derivative " + type(self).__name__)
class InvertibleFunction(CachedFunction):
""" Template for an invertible function
This function has the methods ``f`` and ``inv``, representing
the function values and the inverse function
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.extra_args = kwargs
def f(self, x):
""" function value """
raise NotImplementedError()
def inv(self, y):
""" inverse function value """
raise NotImplementedError()
def check_inv(self, y, prec=1.e-8):
""" check whether inv is really the inverse of f """
x = self.inv(y)
y2 = self.f(x)
if np.max(np.abs(y - y2)) > prec:
print("""Inverse of function is not correct:
{} - difference: {}
np.max(np.abs(y - y2))))
return False
return True
class NullFunction(DoublyDerivableFunction):
""" A constant function that is zero """
def f(self, x):
return 0
def d(self, x):
return 0 * x
def dd(self, x):
return np.diag(0 * x)
# =====================================================================
# Chi2
# =====================================================================
class Chi2(DoublyDerivableFunction):
r""" A function giving the least squares
K : :py:class:`.Kernel`
the kernel to use
G : array
the Green function data
err : array
the error of the Green function data (must have the same length
as G)
def __init__(self, K=None, G=None, err=None):
self._K = K
self._G = G
self._err = err
####### Helper functions #######
def get_K(self):
return self._K
def set_K(self, K, update_chi2=True):
self._K = K
if update_chi2:
K = property(get_K, set_K)
def get_G(self):
return self._G
def set_G(self, G, update_chi2=True):
self._G = G
if update_chi2:
G = property(get_G, set_G)
def get_err(self):
return self._err
def set_err(self, err, update_chi2=True):
self._err = err
if update_chi2:
err = property(get_err, set_err)
def get_omega(self):
return self.K.omega
def set_omega(self, omega, update_K=True, update_chi2=True):
self.K.omega = omega
if update_K:
if update_chi2:
omega = property(get_omega, set_omega)
def get_data_variable(self):
return self.K.data_variable
def set_data_variable(self,
self.K.data_variable = data_variable
if update_K:
if update_chi2:
data_variable = property(get_data_variable, set_data_variable)
def input_size(self):
return (self.K.K.shape[1],)
def axes_preference(self):
return (0,)
class NormalChi2(Chi2):
r""" A function giving the usual least squares
This is calculated as
.. math::
\chi^2 = \sum_i \frac{(G_i - \sum_j K_{ij} H_j)^2}{\sigma_i^2}
Note that :math:`H = A\Delta\omega` (in the usual case, see :ref:`preblur` for a different definition).
K : :py:class:`.Kernel`
the kernel to use
G : array
the Green function data
err : array
the error of the Green function data (must have the same length
as G)
def f(self, A):
return sum(np.abs(np.dot(self.K.K, A) - self.G)**2 / self.err**2)
def d(self, A):
return np.dot(2 * (np.dot(self.K.K, A) - self.G) /
self.err**2, np.conjugate(self.K.K))
def dd(self, A):
# this is constant
return self.d2
def parameter_change(self):
""" Notify that the parameters (either ``K`` or ``err``) have changed """
# we calculate the value of the second derivative as it is constant
if self.K is not None and self.err is not None:
self.d2 = 2 * np.einsum('il,ik,i->kl', np.conjugate(self.K.K),
self.K.K, 1. / self.err**2)
class ComplexChi2(Chi2):
r""" A function giving the usual least squares
This is calculated as
.. math::
\chi^2 = \sum_i \frac{|G_i - \sum_j K_{ij} H_j|^2}{\sigma_i^2}
Note that :math:`H = A\Delta\omega` (in the usual case, see :ref:`preblur` for a different definition).
K : :py:class:`.Kernel`
the kernel to use
G : array
the Green function data
err : array
the error of the Green function data (must have the same length
as G)
def f(self, A):
diff = np.dot(self.K.K, view_complex(A)) - self.G
return sum(np.abs(diff)**2 / self.err**2)
def d(self, A):
diff = np.dot(self.K.K, view_complex(A)) - self.G
return view_real(2 * np.dot(diff / self.err**2,
def dd(self, A):
# this is constant
return self.d2
def parameter_change(self):
""" Notify that the parameters (either ``K`` or ``err``) have changed """
# we calculate the value of the second derivative as it is constant
if self.K is not None and self.err is not None:
N_w = self.K.K.shape[-1]
E = 2 * np.einsum('il,ik,i->kl', np.conjugate(self.K.K),
self.K.K, 1. / self.err**2)
self.d2 = np.zeros((N_w, 2, N_w, 2))
self.d2[:, 0, :, 0] = np.real(E)
self.d2[:, 0, :, 1] = np.imag(E)
self.d2[:, 1, :, 1] = -np.imag(E)
self.d2[:, 1, :, 1] = np.real(E)
def input_size(self):
return (self.K.K.shape[1], 2)
def axes_preference(self):
return (0, 1)
# =====================================================================
# Entropy
# =====================================================================
class Entropy(DoublyDerivableFunction):
""" A function giving an entropy term for regularization
D : DefaultModel
the default model
def __init__(self, D=None):
self._D = D
####### Helper functions #######
def get_D(self):
return self._D
def set_D(self, D, update_S=True):
self._D = D
if update_S:
D = property(get_D, set_D)
def get_omega(self):
return self.D.omega
def set_omega(self, omega, update_D=True, update_S=True):
self.D.omega = omega
if update_D:
if update_S:
omega = property(get_omega, set_omega)
def input_size(self):
return (len(self.D.D),)
def axes_preference(self):
return (0,)
class NormalEntropy(Entropy):
""" The usual entropy
This calculates the entropy as
.. math ::
S = \sum_i (H_i - D_i - H_i \log(H_i/D_i)).
Note that :math:`H = A\Delta\omega` (in the usual case, see :ref:`preblur` for a different definition).
Also, the default model usually includes the :math:`\Delta\omega`.
D : DefaultModel
the default model
def f(self, A):
return np.sum((A - self.D.D - A * safelog(A / self.D.D)))
def d(self, A):
return - (safelog(A) - safelog(self.D.D))
def dd(self, A):
# we need this to prevent a NaN in the calculation
A[np.where(np.abs(A) <= 1.e-100)] = 1.e-100
return -np.diag(1.0 / A)
class PlusMinusEntropy(NormalEntropy):
""" The Plus-Minus entropy
This calculates the entropy as
.. math ::
S = S_{normal}(H^+) + S_{normal}(H^-),
where :math:`S_{normal}` is the :py:class:`NormalEntropy`. We have
:math:`H = H^+ - H^-`.
Note that :math:`H = A\Delta\omega` (in the usual case, see :ref:`preblur` for a different definition).
Also, the default model usually includes the :math:`\Delta\omega`.
D : DefaultModel
the default model
def _A_plus(self, A):
return (np.sqrt(A**2.0 + 4.0 * self.D.D**2) + A) / 2.0
def _A_minus(self, A):
return (np.sqrt(A**2.0 + 4.0 * self.D.D**2) - A) / 2.0
def f(self, A):
return super(PlusMinusEntropy, self).f(self._A_plus(A)) + \
super(PlusMinusEntropy, self).f(self._A_minus(A))
def d(self, A):
return super(PlusMinusEntropy, self).d(self._A_plus(A))
def dd(self, A):
arg = self._A_plus(A) + self._A_minus(A)
return super(PlusMinusEntropy, self).dd(arg)
class ComplexPlusMinusEntropy(PlusMinusEntropy):
""" The Plus-Minus entropy for complex A
This calculates the entropy as
.. math ::
S = S_{plusminus}(\mathrm{Re}\, H) + S_{plusminus}(\mathrm{Im}\, H),
where :math:`S_{plusminus}` is the :py:class:`.PlusMinusEntropy`.
Note that :math:`H = A\Delta\omega` (in the usual case, see :ref:`preblur` for a different definition).
Also, the default model usually includes the :math:`\Delta\omega`.
D : DefaultModel
the default model
def f(self, A):
A_real = view_complex(A).real
A_imag = view_complex(A).imag
return super(ComplexPlusMinusEntropy, self).f(A_real) + \
super(ComplexPlusMinusEntropy, self).f(A_imag)
def d(self, A):
A_real = view_complex(A).real
A_imag = view_complex(A).imag
return np.column_stack(
(super(ComplexPlusMinusEntropy, self).d(A_real),
super(ComplexPlusMinusEntropy, self).d(A_imag)))
def dd(self, A):
A_real = view_complex(A).real
A_imag = view_complex(A).imag
dd_re = super(ComplexPlusMinusEntropy, self).dd(A_real)
dd_im = super(ComplexPlusMinusEntropy, self).dd(A_imag)
dd = np.zeros((dd_re.shape[0], 2, dd_re.shape[1], 2))
dd[:, 0, :, 0] = dd_re
dd[:, 1, :, 1] = dd_im
return dd
def input_size(self):
return (len(self.D.D), 2)
def axes_preference(self):
return (0, 1)
class AbsoluteEntropy(Entropy):
""" The entropy with ``|A|``
.. warning:: This entropy is not convex!
def f(self, A):
return np.sum((np.abs(A) - self.D.D -
np.abs(A) * safelog(np.abs(A) / self.D.D)))
def d(self, A):
return - safelog(np.abs(A) / self.D.D) * np.sign(A)
def dd(self, A):
return -np.diag(1.0 / np.abs(A))
class ShiftedAbsoluteEntropy(Entropy):
""" The entropy with ``|A|+D`` """
def f(self, A):
return np.sum((np.abs(A) + self.D.D - self.D.D - (np.abs(A) + \
self.D.D) * safelog((np.abs(A) + self.D.D) / self.D.D)))
def d(self, A):
return - safelog((np.abs(A) + self.D.D) / self.D.D) * np.sign(A)
def dd(self, A):
return -np.diag(1.0 / (np.abs(A) + self.D.D))
# =====================================================================
# H(v)
# =====================================================================
class GenericH_of_v(DoublyDerivableFunction, InvertibleFunction):
""" A function giving the parametrization :math:`H(v)`
D : DefaultModel
the default model to use
K : :py:class:`.Kernel`
the kernel to use
def __init__(self, D=None, K=None):
self._D = D
self._K = K
self._B = 1.0
####### Helper functions #######
def get_D(self):
return self._D
def set_D(self, D, update_H_of_v=True):
self._D = D
if update_H_of_v:
D = property(get_D, set_D)
def get_K(self):
return self._K
def set_K(self, K, update_H_of_v=True):
self._K = K
if update_H_of_v:
K = property(get_K, set_K)
def get_omega(self):
return self.D.omega
def set_omega(self, omega, update_D=True, update_H_of_v=True):
self.D.omega = omega
if update_D:
if update_H_of_v:
omega = property(get_omega, set_omega)
def input_size(self):
return (len(self.K.S),)
def axes_preference(self):
return (0,)
class NormalH_of_v(GenericH_of_v):
""" Bryan's parametrization H(v)
This parametrization uses
.. math::
H(v) = D \exp(Vv),
where :math:`V` is the matrix of the right-singular vectors of the
D : DefaultModel
the default model to use
K : :py:class:`.Kernel`
the kernel to use
def f(self, v):
return self.D.D * np.exp(np.dot(self.K.V, v))
def d(self, v):
return self.D.D[:, np.newaxis] * self.K.V * \
np.exp(np.dot(self.K.V, v))[:, np.newaxis]
def dd(self, v):
return np.einsum('k,kj,kl,k->kjl', self.D.D, self.K.V, self.K.V,
np.exp(np.dot(self.K.V, v)))
def inv(self, A):
return np.dot(self.K.V.transpose(), safelog(A / self.D.D))
class PlusMinusH_of_v(GenericH_of_v):
""" Plus/minus parametrization H(v)
This should be used with the :py:class:`.PlusMinusEntropy`.
The parametrization is
.. math::
H(v) = D (e^{Vv} - e^{-Vv})
where :math:`V` is the matrix of the right-singular vectors of the
D : DefaultModel
the default model to use
K : :py:class:`.Kernel`
the kernel to use
def f(self, v):
return self.D.D * (np.exp(np.dot(self.K.V, v)) -
np.exp(-np.dot(self.K.V, v)))
def d(self, v):
return self.D.D[:, np.newaxis] * self.K.V * (np.exp(
np.dot(self.K.V, v))[:, np.newaxis] + np.exp(-np.dot(self.K.V, v))[:, np.newaxis])
def dd(self, v):
return np.einsum('k,kj,kl,k->kjl', self.D.D, self.K.V, self.K.V,
np.exp(np.dot(self.K.V, v)) - np.exp(-np.dot(self.K.V, v)))
def inv(self, A):
return np.dot(self.K.V.transpose().conjugate(), safelog(
(A + np.sqrt(A**2 + 4 * self.D.D**2)) / (2 * self.D.D)))
class ComplexPlusMinusH_of_v(PlusMinusH_of_v):
""" Complex plus/minus parametrization H(v)
This should be used with the :py:class:`.ComplexPlusMinusEntropy`.
The parametrization is
.. math::
H(v) = D (e^{Vv} - e^{-Vv}) TODO
where :math:`V` is the matrix of the right-singular vectors of the
D : DefaultModel
the default model to use
K : :py:class:`.Kernel`
the kernel to use
def f(self, v):
return view_real(
super(ComplexPlusMinusH_of_v, self).f(
view_complex(v, reshape=False)))
def d(self, v):
v_cplx = view_complex(v, reshape=False)
cW = np.cosh(np.dot(self.K.V, v_cplx))
ret = np.zeros((len(self.K.V), 2, len(v)))
ret[:, 0, ::2] = 2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis] * \
np.real(self.K.V * cW[:, np.newaxis])
ret[:, 0, 1::2] = -2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis] * \
np.imag(self.K.V * cW[:, np.newaxis])
ret[:, 1, ::2] = 2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis] * \
np.imag(self.K.V * cW[:, np.newaxis])
ret[:, 1, 1::2] = 2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis] * \
np.real(self.K.V * cW[:, np.newaxis])
return view_real(ret, reshape=False)
def dd(self, v):
v_cplx = view_complex(v, reshape=False)
VVsW = np.einsum('jt,jq,j->jtq', self.K.V, self.K.V,
np.sinh(np.dot(self.K.V, v_cplx)))
ret = np.zeros((len(self.K.V), 2, len(v), len(v)))
ret[:, 0, ::2, ::2] = 2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * \
ret[:, 0, 1::2, 1::2] = -ret[:, 0, ::2, ::2]
ret[:, 0, ::2, 1::2] = -2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * \
ret[:, 0, 1::2, ::2] = ret[:, 0, ::2, 1::2]
ret[:, 1, ::2, ::2] = 2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * \
ret[:, 1, 1::2, 1::2] = -ret[:, 1, ::2, ::2]
ret[:, 1, ::2, 1::2] = 2 * self.D.D[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * \
ret[:, 1, 1::2, ::2] = ret[:, 1, ::2, 1::2]
return ret
def inv(self, A):
return view_real(
super(ComplexPlusMinusH_of_v, self).inv(
view_complex(A)), reshape=False)
def input_size(self):
return (2 * len(self.K.S),)
def axes_preference(self):
return (0,)
class NoExpH_of_v(GenericH_of_v):
""" Parametrization H(v) without the exponential """
def f(self, v):
return self.D.D * np.dot(self.K.V, v)
def d(self, v):
return self.D.D[:, np.newaxis] * self.K.V
def dd(self, v):
return np.zeros((len(self.D.D), self.K.V.shape[1], self.K.V.shape[1]))
def inv(self, A):
return np.dot(self.K.V.transpose(), A / self.D.D)
class IdentityH_of_v(GenericH_of_v):
""" Parametrization H(v)=v """
def parameter_change(self):
if self.D is not None:
self.d2 = np.zeros((len(self.D.D), len(self.D.D), len(self.D.D)))
def f(self, v):
return v
def d(self, v):
return np.eye(len(v))
def dd(self, v):
return self.d2
def inv(self, A):
return A
# =====================================================================
# A(H)
# =====================================================================
class GenericA_of_H(DoublyDerivableFunction, InvertibleFunction):
""" A parametrization :math:`A(H)` """
def get_omega(self):
return self._omega
def set_omega(self, omega, update_A_of_H=True):
self._omega = omega
if update_A_of_H:
omega = property(get_omega, set_omega)
class IdentityA_of_H(GenericA_of_H):
""" Parametrization A(H)=H
For non-uniform omega meshes, this takes care of the :math:`\Delta \omega`.
Use this whenever you don't use the :py:class:`.PreblurKernel`
def __init__(self, omega):
self._omega = omega
def f(self, H):
if(H.ndim == 2):
return view_complex(H / self._omega.delta[:, np.newaxis])
return H / self._omega.delta
def d(self, H):
return 1.0 # np.eye(len(H)), but faster
def dd(self, H):
return 0.0 # np.zeros((len(H), len(H), len(H))), but faster
def inv(self, A):
return view_real(A * self._omega.delta)
class PreblurA_of_H(GenericA_of_H):
""" A_of_H using preblur
With preblur, we have :math:`A(H) = BH` (up to a :math:`\Delta\omega`
for non-uniform omega meshes).
Use this whenever you use the :py:class:`.PreblurKernel`.
b : float
blur parameter (width of Gaussian)
omega : array
the omega mesh used for ``H_of_v``
def __init__(self, b, omega):
""" A_of_H using preblur
b : float
blur parameter (width of Gaussian)
omega : array
the omega mesh used for H_of_v
self._omega = omega
self._b = b
def parameter_change(self):
self._B = get_preblur(self._omega, self._b)
def f(self, H):
return np.dot(self._B, H)
def d(self, H):
return self._B
def dd(self, H):
return np.zeros((len(H), len(H), len(H)))
def inv(self, A):
return np.linalg.lstsq(self._B, A)[0]
def get_b(self):
return self._b
def set_b(self, b, update_A_of_H=True):
self._b = b
if update_A_of_H:
b = property(get_b, set_b)