Source code for triqs_maxent.maxent_util

# TRIQS application maxent
# Copyright (C) 2018 Gernot J. Kraberger
# Copyright (C) 2018 Simons Foundation
# Authors: Gernot J. Kraberger and Manuel Zingl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This file defines a bunch of functions that facilitate the use of

import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from import *
from triqs.utility import mpi
from .kernels import TauKernel
from .omega_meshes import DataOmegaMesh

[docs] def get_G_w_from_A_w(A_w, w_points, np_interp_A=None, np_omega=2000, w_min=-10, w_max=10, broadening_factor=1.0): r""" Use Kramers-Kronig to determine the retarded Green function :math:`G(\omega)` This calculates :math:`G(\omega)` from the spectral function :math:`A(\omega)`. A numerical broadening of :math:`bf * i\Delta\omega` is used, with the adjustable broadening factor bf (default is 1). This function normalizes :math:`A(\omega)`. Use mpi to save time. Parameters ---------- A_w : array Real-frequency spectral function. w_points : array Real-frequency grid points. np_interp_A : int Number of grid points A_w should be interpolated on before G_w is calculated. The interpolation is performed on a linear grid with np_interp_A points from min(w_points) to max(w_points). np_omega : int Number of equidistant grid points of the output Green function. w_min : float Start point of output Green function. w_max : float End point of output Green function. broadening_factor : float Factor multiplying the broadening :math:`i\Delta\omega` Returns ------- G_w : GfReFreq TRIQS retarded Green function. """ shape_A = np.shape(A_w) if len(shape_A) == 1: indices = [0] matrix_valued = False elif (len(shape_A) == 3) and (shape_A[0] == shape_A[1]): indices = list(range(0, shape_A[0])) matrix_valued = True else: raise Exception('A_w has wrong shape, must be n x n x n_w') if w_min > w_max: raise Exception('w_min must be smaller than w_max') if np_interp_A: w_points_interp = np.linspace(np.min(w_points), np.max(w_points), np_interp_A) if matrix_valued: A_temp = np.zeros((shape_A[0], shape_A[1], np_interp_A), dtype=complex) for i in range(shape_A[0]): for j in range(shape_A[1]): A_temp[i, j, :] = np.interp(w_points_interp, w_points, A_w[i, j, :]) A_w = A_temp else: A_w = np.interp(w_points_interp, w_points, A_w) w_points = w_points_interp G_w = GfReFreq(indices=indices, window=(w_min, w_max), n_points=np_omega) iw_points = np.array(list(range(len(w_points)))) for iw in mpi.slice_array(iw_points): domega = (w_points[min(len(w_points) - 1, iw + 1)] - w_points[max(0, iw - 1)]) * 0.5 if matrix_valued: for i in range(shape_A[0]): for j in range(shape_A[1]): G_w[i, j] << G_w[i, j] + A_w[i, j, iw] * \ inverse(Omega - w_points[iw] + 1j * domega * broadening_factor) * domega else: G_w << G_w + A_w[iw] * \ inverse(Omega - w_points[iw] + 1j * domega * broadening_factor) * domega G_w << mpi.all_reduce(G_w) mpi.barrier() return G_w
[docs] def get_G_tau_from_A_w(A_w, w_points, beta, np_tau): r""" Calculate :math:`G(\tau)` for a given :math:`A(\omega)`. Parameters ---------- A_w : array Real-frequency spectral function. w_points : array or maxent mesh Real-frequency grid points. beta : float Inverse Temperature. np_tau : int Number of equidistant grid points of the output Green function. The tau grid runs from 0 to beta. Returns ------- G_tau : GfImTime TRIQS imaginary-time Green function. """ if not hasattr(w_points, 'delta'): w_points = DataOmegaMesh(w_points) K = TauKernel(tau=np.linspace(0.0, beta, np_tau), omega=w_points, beta=beta) G_tau = GfImTime(indices=[0], beta=beta, n_points=np_tau)[:, 0, 0] =, A_w) # We don't care about the tail here as it will be removed in the next # TRIQS release return G_tau
[docs] def numder(fun, x, delta=1.e-6): r""" Calculate the numerical derivative (i.e., Jacobian) of fun around x. Parameters ---------- fun : function a function :math:`\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}` x : array the function argument where the numerical derivative should be evaluated delta : float the :math:`\Delta x` that is used in the approximation of the derivative """ x2 = np.empty(x.shape) dfun = None for i in product(*map(range, x.shape)): x2[:] = x x2[i] += delta funplus = fun(x2) x2[i] -= 2 * delta funminus = fun(x2) if dfun is None: if len(funplus.shape) == 0: dfun = np.empty((1,) + x2.shape, dtype=funplus.dtype) else: dfun = np.empty(funplus.shape + x2.shape, dtype=funplus.dtype) dfun[(Ellipsis,) + i] = (funplus - funminus) / (2.0 * delta) return dfun
[docs] def check_der(f, d, around, renorm=False, prec=1.e-8, name=''): r""" check whether d is the analytical derivative of f by comparing with the numerical derivative Parameters ---------- f : function we want to calculate the derivative of this function; a function :math:`\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}` of :math:`x` d : function a function :math:`\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n` which gives the analytic derivative of :math:`f` with respect to the elements of :math:`x` renorm : bool or float if bool: if False, do not renormalize, if True: renormalize by the function value; if float, renormalize by the value of the float; this allows to get some kind of relative error prec : float the precision of the check, i.e. if the error is larger than ``prec``, a warning will be issued name : str the name; this will be used in the error message if the derivatives are not equal to allow you to identify the culprit """ d1 = numder(f, around) d2 = d(around) maxerr = np.abs(d1 - d2) if renorm is True: maxerr /= np.abs(f(around)) elif renorm is False: pass else: maxerr /= np.abs(renorm) maxerr = np.max(maxerr) if maxerr > prec: print('numerical derivative does not fit analytic derivative: {} - difference {}'.format(name, maxerr)) return False return True