Custom functions

The flexible implementation of the whole framework, allows the user to change individual building blocks or implement new functions.

We take as first example the omega meshes. A range of commonly used meshes are implemented and additionally it is possible to use your own meshes with DataOmegaMesh by supplying the mesh points as an array. However, you can also create your own mesh class which inherits from BaseOmegaMesh:

This is an example creating a logarithmic mesh:

class MyLogOmegaMesh(BaseOmegaMesh):
   def __init__(self, order_min=-5, order_max=1, n_points=100):
       super(MyLogOmegaMesh, self).__init__(omega_min=-10^(order_max),
       if (n_points % 2 != 0):
           raise Exception('MyLogOmegaMesh needs an even number of n_points.')
       mesh_p = -np.logspace(order_min, order_max, n_points/2.0)
       self[:] = np.append(mesh_p[::-1], -mesh_p)

In the same way, the next code block shows how you can write your own default model class, here we implement a Gaussian, by inheriting from BaseDefaultModel:

class MyGaussianDefaultModel(BaseDefaultModel):
   def __init__(self, omega, sigma=0.5):
       super(MyGaussianDefaultModel, self).__init__(omega)
       self.sigma = sigma

   def _fill_values(self):
       self._D = 1.0/(np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi*self.sigma**2)) \
                 * np.exp(**2/(2.0*self.sigma**2))

You can use your new mesh and default model, e.g. with TauMaxEnt:

tm = TauMaxEnt() = MyLogOmegaMesh(order_max=1, n_points=400)
tm.D = MyGaussianDefaultModel(


If you implement a custom function that extends the capabilities of the maxent code, please consider sharing it with us and the world by means of a pull request. Thank you!