TRIQS/nda 1.3.0
Multi-dimensional array library for C++
No Matches
address_space.hpp File Reference
#include "../concepts.hpp"
#include "../device.hpp"
#include <algorithm>

Detailed Description

Provides definitions and type traits involving the different memory address spaces supported by nda.

Definition in file address_space.hpp.

Go to the source code of this file.


enum class  nda::mem::AddressSpace
 Enum providing identifiers for the different memory address spaces. More...


template<AddressSpace... AdrSpcs>
static const auto nda::mem::check_adr_sp_valid
 Check validity of a set of nda::mem::AddressSpace values.
template<AddressSpace A1, AddressSpace A2 = None, AddressSpace... As>
constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::combine
 Promotion rules for nda::mem::AddressSpace values.
template<MemoryArray A1, MemoryArray... As>
constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::common_addr_space = combine<get_addr_space<A1>, get_addr_space<As>...>
 Get common address space for a number of given nda::MemoryArray types.
template<typename T>
static constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::get_addr_space = mem::None
 Variable template providing the address space for different types.
template<MemoryArray A>
static constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::get_addr_space< A > = A::storage_t::address_space
 Specialization of nda::mem::get_addr_space for nda::Memory Array types.
template<char OP, ArrayOrScalar L, ArrayOrScalar R>
static constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::get_addr_space< expr< OP, L, R > > = combine<get_addr_space<L>, get_addr_space<R>>
 Specialization of nda::mem::get_addr_space for binary expressions involving two nda::ArrayOrScalar types.
template<typename F, Array... As>
static constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::get_addr_space< expr_call< F, As... > > = combine<get_addr_space<As>...>
 Specialization of nda::mem::get_addr_space for function call expressions involving nda::Array types.
template<char OP, Array A>
static constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::get_addr_space< expr_unary< OP, A > > = get_addr_space<A>
 Specialization of nda::mem::get_addr_space for unary expressions involving an nda::Array type.
template<Handle H>
static constexpr AddressSpace nda::mem::get_addr_space< H > = H::address_space
 Specialization of nda::mem::get_addr_space for nda::Handle types.
template<typename... Ts>
static constexpr bool nda::mem::have_compatible_addr_space = (have_host_compatible_addr_space<Ts...> or have_device_compatible_addr_space<Ts...>)
 Constexpr variable that is true if all given types have compatible address spaces.
template<typename... Ts>
static constexpr bool nda::mem::have_device_compatible_addr_space = ((on_device<Ts> or on_unified<Ts>)and...)
 Constexpr variable that is true if all given types have an address space compatible with Device.
template<typename... Ts>
static constexpr bool nda::mem::have_host_compatible_addr_space = ((on_host<Ts> or on_unified<Ts>)and...)
 Constexpr variable that is true if all given types have an address space compatible with Host.
template<typename A0, typename... A>
static constexpr bool nda::mem::have_same_addr_space = ((get_addr_space<A0> == get_addr_space<A>)and... and true)
 Constexpr variable that is true if all given types have the same address space.
template<typename... Ts>
static constexpr bool nda::mem::on_device = ((get_addr_space<Ts> == mem::Device) and ...)
 Constexpr variable that is true if all given types have a Device address space.
template<typename... Ts>
static constexpr bool nda::mem::on_host = ((get_addr_space<Ts> == mem::Host) and ...)
 Constexpr variable that is true if all given types have a Host address space.
template<typename... Ts>
static constexpr bool nda::mem::on_unified = ((get_addr_space<Ts> == mem::Unified) and ...)
 Constexpr variable that is true if all given types have a Unified address space.