
  • Synopsis:

    void resize(size_t, ..., size_t)

    Resizes the container.

  • Examples :

#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
using namespace triqs::arrays;
int main() {
  array<double, 2> A(2, 3);
  A.resize(make_shape(5, 5));

  matrix<double> M;
  M.resize(3, 3);

  vector<double> V;


Views cannot be resized.

  • Invalidation :

    As for std::vector, resize invalidate all pointers to the data of the container (they may move in memory, to maintain data contiguity).

    Views are invalidated too: more precisely, because of the memory guarantee provided by the views, the view is still valid (code will not crash), but it does not view the container anymore…

    Illustration :

#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
using namespace triqs::arrays;
int main() {
  array<double, 2> A(2, 3);
  A()                     = 9;
  array_view<double, 2> V = A();
  A.resize(make_shape(5, 5));
  A() = 0;
  std::cout << V << std::endl;


  • Synopsis:
void resize_or_check_if_view(ArrayType const &A, shape_t)
  • If A is a value: resize A
  • If A is a view: check that the shape if the shape_t and throw an exception if not.