
#include <triqs/gfs.hpp>


template<int N, typename G>
auto make_zero_tail (G const & g, int n_moments = 10)

Create a zero-initialized tail object for a given Green function object

Template parameters

  • N The mesh position of the frequency or time mesh [default: 0]
  • G The type of the Green function (gf, gf_view, block_gf, …)


  • g The Green function object to create the tail object for
  • n_moments The number of high-frequency moments to provide (including the zeroth moment)


#include <triqs/gfs.hpp>
using namespace triqs::gfs;

int main() {
   double beta = 1.0;
   int n_iw = 100;
   auto g = gf<imfreq>{{beta, Fermion, n_iw}, {1,1}};

   auto empty_tail = make_zero_tail(g, 2);