- [triqs/arrays] Multidimensional arrays
- Rationale
- Concepts
- array, matrix & vector
- Views
- Shape & dimensions
- Regular type vs view type
- Interaction with CLEF expressions
- Loops: the foreach constructs
- Simple array functions
- Functional constructs: map & fold
- Operations: array and matrix/vector algebras
- Using basic concepts
- Linear algebra
- The HDF5 interface
- Interface with Python numpy arrays
- MPI and serialization
- Grouping indices
- Bound checking and debug macros
- Multithreading
- Implementation notes
- [triqs/atom_diag] Lightweight exact diagonalization solver and tools
- [triqs/clef] Clef: Compile-time lazy expressions and functions
- Manipulations of determinants
- Green’s functions
- [triqs/h5] The HDF5 format
- [triqs/hilbert_space] Many-body states and Hilbert spaces
- [triqs/lattice] Lattice tools
- Tools for Monte Carlo
- [triqs/operators] Second-quantization operators and many-body Hamiltonians
- Plotting protocols
- Reproducibility, provenance.
- Random number generators
- [triqs/statistics] Tools for statistical analysis: binning, jackknife and autocorrelation time
- [triqs/utility] Utilities: exceptions, tuple-tools, etc.
- C++11/14, notations and documentation conventions
- c++2py: a C++/Python interfacing tool