
In this section, we define the basic concepts (in the C++ sense) related to the multidimentional arrays. Readers not familiar with the idea of concepts in programming can skip this section, which is however needed for a more advanced usage of the library.

A multidimentional array is basically a function of some indices, typically integers taken in a specific domain, returning the element type of the array, e.g. int, double. Indeed, if a is an two dimensionnal array of int, it is expected that a(i,j) returns an int or a documentation/manual/triqs to an int, for i,j integers in some domain.

We distinguish two separate notions based on whether this function is pure or not, i.e. whether one can or not modify a(i,j).

  • An Immutable array is simply a pure function on the domain of definition. a(i,j) returns a int, or a int const &, that cannot be modified (hence immutable).
  • A Mutable array is an Immutable array that can be modified. The non-const

object returns a documentation/manual/triqs, e.g. a(i,j) can return a int &. Typically this is a piece of memory, with a integer coordinate system on it.

The main point here is that an Immutable array is a much more general notion: a formal expression consisting of arrays (e.g. A + 2*B) models this concept, but not the Mutable one. Most algorithms only use the Immutable array notion, where they are pure (mathematical) functions that return something depending on the value of an object, without side effects.


  • Purpose:

    The most abstract definition of something that behaves like an immutable array on a cuboid domain.

    • it has a cuboid domain (hence a rank).
    • it can be evaluated on any value of the indices in the domain
    • NB: It does not need to be stored in memory. For example, a formal expression models this concept.
  • Definition ([…] denotes something optional).

Members Comment
domain_type == cuboid_domain<Rank> Type of the domain, with rank Rank
domain_type [const &] domain() const Access to the domain.
value_type Type of the element of the array
value_type [const &] operator() (size_t … i) const Evaluation. Must have exactly rank argument (checked at compiled time).
  • Examples:
    • array, array_view, matrix, matrix_view, vector, vector_view.
    • array expressions.


Members Comment
value_type & operator() (size_t … i) Element access: Must have exactly rank argument (checked at compiled time).
  • Examples:
    • array, array_view, matrix, matrix_view, vector, vector_view.


NB: this traits marks the fact that X belongs to the Array algebra.


  • Refines ImmutableCuboidArray
  • If A is the type:
    • ImmutableMatrix<A> == true_type
    • A::domain_type::rank == 2

NB: this traits marks the fact that X belongs to the MatrixVector algebra.


  • Refines ImmutableCuboidArray
  • If A is the type:
    • ImmutableMatrix<A> == true_type
    • A::domain_type::rank == 1

NB: this traits marks the fact that X belongs to the MatrixVector algebra.


  • Refines MutableCuboidArray
  • If A is the type:
    • ImmutableArray<A> == true_type
    • MutableArray<A> == true_type

NB: this traits marks the fact that X belongs to the Array algebra.


  • Refines MutableCuboidArray
  • If A is the type:
    • ImmutableMatrix<A> == true_type
    • MutableMatrix<A> == true_type
    • A::domain_type::rank ==2

NB: this traits marks the fact that X belongs to the MatrixVector algebra.


  • Refines MutableCuboidArray
  • If A is the type:
    • ImmutableMatrix<A> == true_type
    • MutableMatrix<A> == true_type
    • A::domain_type::rank ==1

NB: this traits marks the fact that X belongs to the MatrixVector algebra.

Why concepts ? [Advanced]

Why is it useful to define these concepts ?

Simply because of lot of the library algorithms only use these concepts, and such algorithms can be used for any array or custom class that models the concept.

For example:

  • Problem: we want to quickly assemble a small class to store a diagonal matrix. We want this class to operate with other matrices, e.g. be part of an expression, be printed, etc. However, we only want to store the diagonal element.

  • A simple solution :

    #include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    namespace triqs {
      namespace arrays { // better to put it in this namespace for ADL...
        template <typename T> class immutable_diagonal_matrix_view {
          array_view<T, 1> data; // the diagonal stored as a 1d array
          immutable_diagonal_matrix_view(array_view<T, 1> v) : data(v) {} // constructor
          // the ImmutableMatrix concept
          typedef indexmaps::cuboid::domain_t<2> domain_type;
          domain_type domain() const {
            auto s = data.shape()[0];
            return domain_type{s, s};
          typedef T value_type;
          T operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const { return (i == j ? data(i) : 0); } // just kronecker...
          friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, immutable_diagonal_matrix_view const &d) { return out << "diagonal_matrix " <<; }
        // Marking this class as belonging to the Matrix & Vector algebra.
        template <typename T> struct ImmutableMatrix<immutable_diagonal_matrix_view<T>> : std::true_type {};
      } // namespace arrays
    } // namespace triqs
    /// TESTING
    using namespace triqs::arrays;
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
      auto a = array<int, 1>{1, 2, 3, 4};
      auto d = immutable_diagonal_matrix_view<int>{a};
      std::cout << "domain = " << d.domain() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "d   = " << d << std::endl;
      std::cout << "2*d = " << make_matrix(2 * d) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "d*d = " << matrix<int>(d * d) << std::endl;
  • Discussion

    • Of course, this solution is not perfect. Several algorithms could be optimised if we know that a matrix is diagonal. E.g. multiplying a diagonal matrix by a full matrix. Currently, it creates a full matrix from the diagonal one, and call gemm. This is clearly not optimal.

      However, this is not the point.

      This class just works out of the box, and takes only a few minutes to write. One can of course then work more and specialize e.g. the operator * to optimize the multiplication, or any other algorithm, if and when this is necesssary. That is an implementation detail, that be done later, or by someone else in the team, without stopping the work.

    • One can generalize for a Mutable diagonal matrix. Left as an exercise…