Shape & dimensionsΒΆ


template <ImmutableArray A> mini_vector<size_t,R> get_shape(A const &); // R is the rank of A

template<ImmutableArray A> size_t first_dim   (A const & x);
template<ImmutableArray A> size_t second_dim  (A const & x);
template<ImmutableArray A> size_t third_dim   (A const & x);
template<ImmutableArray A> size_t fourth_dim  (A const & x);
template<ImmutableArray A> size_t fifth_dim   (A const & x);
template<ImmutableArray A> size_t sixth_dim   (A const & x);
template<ImmutableArray A> size_t seventh_dim (A const & x);

The shape and dimensions of any object modeling ImmutableCuboidArray is obtained using get_shape and xxx_dim functions :

#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace triqs::arrays;
int main() {
  auto a = array<double, 2>(2, 3);
  std::cout << get_shape(a) << std::endl;
  std::cout << first_dim(a) << std::endl;
  std::cout << second_dim(a) << std::endl;