Linear algebra


Doc still largely to be written and updated….

Several standard linear algebra operations are provided for the matrix and vector. Note however that matrix and vector are not the main purpose of this library, hence the linear algebra support is less extended than other purely matrix library, like e.g. Eigen.

The computation are done when possible by calling lapack and blas. In some important cases (like matrix product), a slow but generic version is also provided for type that lapack do not treat (e.g. matrix of int, matrix of custom objects) but be aware that these are not optimized for performance and should be used only in non critical part of the codes.

matrix product

The * operator map the matrix x matrix and matrix x vector product.

Example: matrix * matrix and * vector …

#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
using triqs::arrays::matrix;
using triqs::clef::placeholder;
int main() {
  // declare an init 2 matrices
  placeholder<0> i_;
  placeholder<1> j_;
  matrix<double> A(2, 2), B(2, 2), C;
  A(i_, j_) << i_ + j_;
  B(i_, j_) << 2 * i_ + j_;
  C = A * B;
  std::cout << " C = " << C << std::endl;

For types that lapack do not use, a generic version of the matrix product is provided. (same syntax, the dispatch is made at compile time depending of the type of the matrices).

Matrix inversion

The inverse function return a lazy inverse of any object which has ImmutableMatrix concept and can therefore be mixed with any other matrix expression.

Example: .. warning:


LU decomposition

Done. doc to be written


Done. doc to be written

#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
#include <triqs/arrays/linalg/eigenelements.hpp>

using triqs::arrays::array;
using triqs::arrays::matrix;
using triqs::arrays::linalg::eigenvalues;
using triqs::clef::placeholder;
int main() {
  placeholder<0> i_;
  placeholder<1> j_;
  matrix<double> A(2, 2);
  A(i_, j_) << i_ + j_;

  auto v = eigenvalues(A);

  std::cout << "v = " << v << std::endl;

SVD decomposition

To be done

Interface with Eigen

To be implemented. Only possible for when order is known at compile time.